Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Traditions

We seem to have compiled quite the list of Christmas traditions in our little family. Each November I create a December calendar and designate a day for each special tradition so as not to miss a single one, not that the kids would let me! (I'm thinking it would be fun to make something like this - I've seen several on different sites, and I have TONS of cute Christmas paper - but maybe next year.) Tonight the tradition stems from my own childhood (or maybe teenagehood). I LOVE listening to the story of the "Forgotten Carols". Year after year, it gets me every time. Mr. Man gave me the tapes for our first Christmas together, and we have listened to it every year since. The last couple of years Big J has joined in, and we have added stringing popcorn to the event (so as to keep her a bit occupied, and because, well, it's fun!) Today the boys were insisting to be a part of it, but were scared since Big J had warned them about the inevitable finger poking that may ensue from the needle. At first they sat and watched, and then slowly joined in. Little E first - and boy is he a speedy threader, and finally my scaredy-cat Mr. T. Of course it was fun having Uncle Kyle with us - it seems every event is magnified because of his presence lately! We are only on the first tape, and the kids are begging to finish tomorrow (it's more about the popcorn strands for them, but I'm still impressed). We will finish tomorrow, but we also have to celebrate Dutch St. Nicholas and leave out our wooden shoes. So what are some of your traditions?

I have to post these - Baby J is obsessed with soft toys, he loves to rub them close to his face, and this Santa has become a new favourite! It cracks me up though how he looks like he's holding a baby doll already! He is too cute and lots of fun - we had some major giggles out of him over Santa today. A baby at Christmas is a joy.
I feel blessed to have him.


Laurie said...

I have never heard the Forgotten Carols on tape and I have never strung popcorn. I'm with your boys. I'm afraid of my fingers getting poked. This is a fun tradition. You'll have to post more of your traditions. I love Christmas time mostly because of traditions! I like the idea to map them out on the calendar. Maybe that would help my disorganization. Thanks for sharing!

Kendra said...

I like the envelope idea, I've also seen a line of hanging cute mini handmade stockings along the same lines as that one that I liked....I'll THINK about doing something like that for next year(I say that about so many things!) Aren't the little simple things always the best traditions? I commend you for stringing popcorn though. The first year we were married I strung popcorn/cranberry garland and I vowed I would never do it again! HA! And I love stitching even! Lets see... some of our traditions.... the music, the baking, the sharing with friends, the counting down, the singing Christmas songs all day, reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and A Christmas Carol(among the millions of other Christmas books), the counting down, the crafts.... oh man, everything that made the month of December so much fun growing up and still does!(I posted about our big ones on my blog)

Anne Marie said...

Looks like lots of fun! Each year the boys and I make a few different types of Christmas ornaments to add to our collection. They've ranged from simple cardboard Gingerbread men to more complex wire stars. Then it's always so fun to bring them out each year.

Shauna said...

I love the Forgotten Carols. :) This has become one of our traditions as well. Love the pictures of your kids stringing popcorn. Your baby is already getting sooooooooo big! I can hardly believe it. Merry CHristmas!

Rachel said...

Cute pictures of such a great Family Tradition! I LOVE the Forgoteen Carols; love playing them on piano, love singing them (with my non-talented singing voice), love, them!!!!

I made a simple Advent Chain with construction paper, but wrote a different Christmas Activity for each day. For example, one day was decorate Christmas Cookies, build gingerbread house, make paper snowflakes and hang up, perform a random act of kindness...and so on. It's been a lot of fun.

Kristy said...

What a fun tradition! We used to the popcorn and cranberry stringing when I was little, but I'm not sure my boys would be patient enough to try it. We do lots of baking, though!

Amy said...

So cute with that Santa dool! Ever since I can remember we went Christmas Caroling to elderly people and other friends in my Grandma's california ward.When we are done caroling. WE go back to someone's house, drink hot chocolate, have donuts and read the Christmas story of Jesus's birth from the bible. It has been fun to continue that tradition with my children. I am sad to say this is the first year it won't happen.

PS you have been tagged, Go to my blog for details

Nicole said...

I LOVE that tradtion...I might have to copy it! Where did you find the tape. I have the book, I know it must have been out there somewhere! I am glad to find I was right.

Thanks for the post. Something that we do do, is every night I have a christmas book that we read. I love collecting them! I just found a cool one at Walmart...called the Last Straw. It was really good!

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