Thursday, December 13, 2007

Out of the mouthes of babes...

Forget what the kids say... can you believe half the stuff that comes out of our mouths? I always try to point out to other Moms the funny things we are forced to utter. Today's utterance was something I never thought I would have to say. (It was said calmly and quietly too!)

"Please take the straw out of the baby's nose."

Of course, the culprit, my three year old asked just as serenely "why?"

Thankfully sometimes spoken words are unnecessary and eyeball rolling sufficient.


Kendra said...


Jenny said...

Where's the picture? I need to see a picture of that one. Funny!

Kristy said...

Too funny! And timely ...

I was at Nate's kindergarten class yesterday with a bunch of other moms doing holiday crafts, and one mom calmly said to her daughter, "Honey, please don't put the popsicle sticks in your nose. Thank you."

libbie said...

Oh kids . . . . they are so delightful!

Anne Marie said...

Very funny! The things kids do.

Hoosier Mama said...

this morning mine was, "did you ask dad if you could lick his chapstick under the covers?"

your blog is great! here's a link to mine:

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...