Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Moses Supposes His Toses Are Roses

So our theme this week has been “Dr. Seuss” of course, and it’s one of my favourites! Not only do we get to read ALL our Dr. Seuss books over and over again, we get to do some fun crazy activities. Big J developed a nasty full body rash early this week and combined with a sore throat I took her in to get diagnosed with strep throat and scarlet fever. So now I have two kids loving bubble gum medicine (Little E had a double ear infection last week) and I hope Mr. T doesn’t join in on the fun. Anyways, my point is that being rashy and contagious, Big J has had the delightful privilege of missing school and staying home and ultimately wishing she wasn’t school-age yet (I told your our week’s theme is a fun one!) Today we read, along with many others, “The Foot Book” and then proceeded to paint with our feet and make feet prints on a large ream of packing paper. I hadn’t really planned out the afterwards part and so afterwards came as a little shock as I hefted these big boys to their respective feet cleaning locations and then promised Big J an alternative activity. Thinking fast I got out markers and drew little faces on her big toes and then, performer that she is, we were entertained with some fabulous puppet shows!

We’ve been reading “Harry Potter” together after lunch lately and the two oldest are loving it! This morning at breakfast we had a conversation about muggles which was quite entertaining. They were trying to figure out exactly who we know in real life is a muggle or a wizard. Grandaddy was voted immediately as a wizard (since he has all his magic tricks with disappearing balls and all). Uncle Warren is a muggle. And Uncle Kyle was a battle as the two deciders had completely opposite feelings toward his heritage – after all, his father is a wizard and his mother a muggle, I can understand the confusion!

Since this blog is a smorgasbord of sorts, I will add a final quote from Big J. Yesterday after being asked to take a little rest (she is sick after all) she had turned her room into a tent with all her blankets and sheets. Upon entering I was told I had to sign my name on her little doodle pad. I asked if she wanted me to write “Mommy” or my real name. Her response, “Your full name, and your social security number please.”

Every day life with kids is like a Dr. Seuss book if you ask me! Enjoy your week!


Anonymous said...

Smorgasbord is a cover-up word that pregnant women use when they don't wish to express their true state-of-mind: scattered and as volatile as their food cravings.

Anne Marie said...

What a great idea!. I love the feet painting.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...