Thursday, February 22, 2007

Crazy Cravings

This has been an eventful week of pregnancy. Sunday night Mr. Man and I were laying in bed talking. Mr. Man was bearing his soul to me when I had to interrupt with a tangent: I was feeling the baby move for the first time! He countered that it was probably gas… but it wasn’t. Each night since I’ve been able to feel the little bubbly butterfly feelings as this baby meanders around. And though it’s my fourth, I still get giddy, smiley and my heartstrings are being tugged by this little one already.

Monday my desire for Cadbury mini eggs peaked and I was starting to go a little insane over my lack of being able to eat them. I went online to look at pictures of them, and then started calling different stores frantic to find somebody who had! There are reasons why people still shop at Kmart, and Cadbury mini eggs is one of them. Since then I have gone through two big bags of them. My kids can be heard to say, “I’m DYING for an egg”. It’s pretty pathetic really.

Not long ago Mr. Man and I were once again laying in bed when I announced that I was absolutely starving. This is not a rare announcement late at night these days, but I mean, I was ready for a whole meal. Tacos in fact. I have all the makings for them and I asked Mr. Man if he’d mind frying the meat and chopping tomatoes while I grated the cheese and shredded the lettuce. He looked at the clock, yelped at me for being crazy and then said he’d first go to taco bell for me then cook a meal at almost midnight! So, I took him up on it. Mr. Man, my hero, is right now at taco bell… and I am in heaven in anticipation. One thing about cravings, upon satisfying them, ones joy cannot compare!


Kristy said...

Mmmm ... Cadbury mini eggs!

Good Mr. Man. Matt once drove to downtown Lawrence for a Chipotle burrito, then back again, when he had come home with the wrong one.

Anonymous said...

Yes--I definitely love the Cadbury eggs myself. Good thing Taco Bell isn't too far--that was a great service!

Anne Marie said...

Pregnancy is the craziest! Gotta love those cravings.

Balancing & Blogging

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