Mr. Man wants me to add that "BROKE is a five letter word and we're glad it's not two!"

My sister has had her baby and her own time to be pregnant, I’m safely out of the first trimester and now all our family know. Yes, I’m pregnant, about 16 weeks along! I’m due August 2nd and have already had my first sonogram – though the technician couldn’t tell the gender yet. This may explain some of my blogging moodiness, our mini-van purchase and even my awful sciatic nerve pain! I’m excited to share more details online now that this is out in the open. For those of you who knew that Little E was our last and that we got rid of absolutely EVERYTHING baby, I can only tell you that seasons change and God does work line upon line. While I absolutely hate, loathe, despise and abominate being pregnant, I am excited to have another child to love and have in our family. Here’s a journal entry from a few weeks ago:
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Though few people know at this point, I am pregnant and I think I just may survive. The first trimester (three cheers for making it through a fourth third trimester) was a killer. I could hardly eat anything without throwing up. I felt sick pretty much day in and day out – and all through the night too. Misery, I tell you. The days when I only got away with taking 2 instead of 3 naps were impossible, and I was often “Mean Mom” […]Then there was the part where I couldn’t eat anything sweet or chocolately – so NOT me! But thankfully that phase is over – though I don’t feel the need or cravings for sweets, I can tolerate them. There was the cornflake phase (probably because they are so plain), then the grapefruit phase, and though short lived due to finances, the SUBWAY phase (true, I only ate their once, but the buildup was enough that once seemed to cinch it – for now! I honestly cannot believe how much I was throwing up not long ago! It is so disgusting when your puke splashes up on your face and hair – and then it makes you throw up more! Little E will often spit water and say, “I’m throwing up!” I still can’t eat meat, and certain dinner foods are better than others, so the kids are used to me suddenly leaving the table. Upon my return, they are fascinated to know all the details – is this gross, or just normal for a family with many children?

These pictures are absolutely adorable! What a beautiful family! I hope the rest of your pregnancy will be better than the first part. Congratulations! Yes, you should be relieved it's only one and not two (although I would certainly not send back either of my twins).
Congrats! Your family is so beautiful and you're such a great mom. Good luck with everything.
Aaaaahhhh! Yeahh!!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Your kids are adorable and the news is wonderful!! Good luck and don't feel guilty taking those naps.
darling pictures! i didn't realize that little e had red hair!
oh, and congrats, renee!
So happy for you that the first trimester is over and that the news is out!! I can't wait to see the new little sweetheart in person!!
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