Monday, February 12, 2007

Parents Bill of Rights

I found this and had to share:

1. You have a right to your own feelings and the right to express them to your children.
2. You have the right to be the authority in your home.
3. You have the right to put your marriage first and your children second.
4. You have the right to have periodic vacations from being a parent.
5. You have the right to make mistakes in bringing up your children.
6. You have the right to pursue your own interests.
7. You have the right to be irrational.
8. You have the right to be a fallible imperfect human being.
9. You have the right to preserve your sanity.
10. You have the right to be yourself.
Source Unknown.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

I love the ideas here.

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