Monday, October 31, 2011


Halloween has been a big deal at our house this year. Little J is obsessed with Halloween. He checks Halloween books out of the library year round - a real pain since they can only be checked out for 7 days! He LOVES it. Everywhere we go, I have to limit him to just one Halloween decoration (we've gotten a whole new bin to fit our stash this year!) per stop. He loves all the haunted houses (people who have decorated), he adores going to the pumpkin patch and even has his own pumpkin in his room! He loves it all: ghosts, bats, skeletons, witches... And so it was so sad that our little ninja has been sick and missed out on the Halloween party this weekend AND on trick or treating! It' s going to be so hard for him to wait a whole year for Halloween to come again. Though personally I can't wait to start putting away all the gaudy decor.

Miss J took his little bag around with her to several of the houses to get candy for her sick little brother, but after a few people called her a fibber and didn't believe such a "tall" smurf... she gave up! He was happy with his loot though and paid her nicely. Here's what our kids donned this year... still have to capture the littlest ninja.

1 comment:

Memories On The Go said...

So very sad that Little J was/is sick. Good thing he enjoys Halloween all year with those library books. How kind of Miss J to try and get him some treats, what a shame that not all believed her. Costumes look great :)

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...