Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Shopping for Cheapskates

Who doesn't love a good deal, right?! Mr. Man, though, hates it when I announce that I saved $50 but still spent $50. He'd much rather I show him everything I bought and then announce that I spent $3. So it takes shopping to a whole other level.

And we've been getting good at it.

JC Penney coupons for $10 off a $10 purchase - we've gotten it down to spending less than $2 of our money when using those for things already on our "to buy" list.

My latest shopping for free was buying the kids' school pictures. Yes, I know that may sound foreign, because usually I DON'T ever buy the kids school pictures, and even they have gotten used to that. But this year, there was a deal that if you bought any package of school pictures, you would get a $20 coupon to spend at Shutterfly. Grandparents adore books and photo items made from Shutterfly, and so I already knew I would use these coupons for Christmas gifts. So I bought the cheapest package I could ($12) and got my $20 coupons! I feel like someone just gave me $8 to spend (times three). It's a good feeling. And really, these kids do look pretty cute (though stuffy) in their school photos n'est ce pas?


Memories On The Go said...

Indeed it feels so good to save money!!! With the school photos, not only did you save money, you got some great photos of the kids too :)

Jenny said...

Love the photos! At our school Lifetouch give the parent helpers free photos if you come and volunteer to help the children comb hair and get in line. You might check at your school - I didn't know about it until a mom asked if I could help. I did that this year and got the largest package for free for all three of our kids.

Balancing & Blogging

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