Monday, September 19, 2011

Project Follow-Up

We started a new project on Saturday (our fireplace), which reminded me to update one of our last projects: THE BASE.

Remember several weeks ago when we started building together?

Now "the base" is used daily.
Each of the kids asked for different specifications, and we met as many as we could.

Our plan was to mostly build upwards and make use of a smaller spot of our backyard. This is what we finished up with, and since we were able to use mostly the wood from our old deck that we re-did last year, we only spent around $40 on this fun project.
I am so glad that Mr. Man is a master at projects! However, I do think we have spent more dates in home improvement stores than anywhere else!
Seeing my kiddos playing together warms my heart.

1 comment:

Scott and Tisha said...

fun!!! can't wait to visit and play on it!

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