Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Story Writing

Strep throat is visiting at our house, and after last week's plentiful snow days we're beginning to feel a bit stir crazy. Mean Mom that I am, I refuse to give in to the cries for movies (no more than necessary). So yesterday, I suggested we write a story to send to my brother who is on his mission. I started it, and then we went around each adding to the eventful tale. I could hardly write fast enough, and I'm sure it would have gone on longer had I not complained of my hand getting tired! Then we picked a title and the kids painted pictures to put in the "book" which has been stapled together (like any great book) and will soon be in the mail. I had to share, because it's so fun, and also because I wish we had started doing this fun activity long before now. I have no doubt we will soon have many books "published" ... we all loved this!

(See if you can guess who wrote which part!)
The Wizard's Snowy Day
Once upon a time there was a snowy blizzard. Inside the castle a wizard was keeping warm.

He decided to go outside and build a snowman. It was huge: as big as his castle.

He started to get cold so he went inside and had hot chocolate with marshmallows and cookies.

And he ate a donut. And then he decided to build a snowman as big as up to the clouds. Until he decided to climb up the snowman to get up to the cloud. And then a wolf came and knocked down the snowman. The wizard wouldn't be able to get down. The wizard was as smart as magic. With his wand he turned the wolf into a big big snowman.

Suddenly the snowman came to life and started singing and dancing. He was so huge that he caused an earthquake.

Then the castle fell apart because of the earthquake. Even the snowman fell apart.
Now the wizard had lots to do. So he made a list of things to do. First thing he did was make a new house with his wand, got all of his unbroken furniture back, then, since there was quite a lot of snow, he decided to go outside and clean up the yard. "That was quite a lot of work for one day," he thought.

Then he, with his wand, he destroyed the list. Then he decided to go outside, take a walk and destroy the bad guys' castle with his wand. Then a bad guy tried to kill him with his sword, but the wizard made a force field with his wand. Then he killed the bad guy with his own sword.

The young boy went outside and he throwed snowballs at the bad guys.

Suddenly a dragon appeared. This was no ordinary dragon. It was Zachary, the fire-breathing dragon. He began to blow fire bombs everywhere. This was very unfortunate for the wizard since he had just re-built his castle out of snow and ice and it was now a very large puddle.

So the wizard took his wand and he made the dragon his good pal. And since he liked the name Zachary, he named him Zachary. The wizard made his house again out of stone walls. He made a house for his new pet too that was attached to his house. They lived happily ever after.

The end.


Jedda said...

Girl, you can write! I hope you don't mind that I blog-hopped from Andrea's. I love how the good guys and bad guys got to duke it out. You are definitely nurturing some budding writers. They have a great teacher!

Jennifer said...

I love how the wizard makes a list and then the next writer, clearly "anti list", destroys the list :)

Anne Marie said...

What a great idea with the story writing. Hope everyone's feeling better soon.

Brooke said...

That is a great idea! Something fun that the children will definately remember and look back on fondly! ;) Thanks for the good idea!

Shawny said...

That is a lot of handwriting! I gives you props for hanging in there!

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