Sunday, February 08, 2009

First Day of Nursery

This little guy is always on the go, (and yeah, he's eating a "chocolate" cookie in this picture) so he's a hard one to capture. He turns 18 months this week (sob), so today was his first day in the nursery at church. Daddy was actually subbing in there today, so he was able to be his bodyguard. The little guy usually naps 11am - 2pm and that is what time we meet for church now.... so he will most likely be spending the first few months of nursery as he did today: asleep in the stroller. When he awoke, his first impression of nursery wasn't very positive. When I ask him about nursery, he will shake his finger at me and say in his sweet high pitched voice, "no no no". He's by far the youngest in there, but not at all used to having his toys snatched from his hands, or being pushed out of the way. He is definately spoiled and well looked out for at home. Meaning the kids will give him anything or do anything to keep him happy and not crying. Nursery should be good for this little guy. At least he looks adorable, right?! Ironically, my Oma called today to rave about a picture of him we sent her. She just wants to eat him up and have him pop out of the picture he is so darn cute. But alas, she warned me that you have to be careful with the cute ones because they tend to be spoiled rotten and that takes all the cuteness out of them. We'll be careful.


Rachel said...

What a day to celebrate for sure! But I have to admit, I can hardly believe he's at that age ALREADY! Where has the time gone?

Jenny said...

That coat and tie is almost too adorable!

Hoosier Mama said...

I was noticing how sharp he looked in church today. What a dapper little dude!

Unknown said...

What a fabulous outfit. So cute! Congrats on the new milestone, Baby J!

KVB said...

Gotta love that jacket!

Jennifer said...


I understand the youngest child thing. We have one of those also....the one who everyone wants to give whatever they want to to make them stop crying :)

I hear it is unavoidable :) But that is not as comforting as I would like it to be :)

Nicole said...

It is always hard going to nursey... I have to admit that our little one is "welled cared" too. Now that he is two, he demands that everyhting is given to him... I am sure it will pass!

Anne Marie said...

He is so cute!!! 18 months already!

Laura said...

Darling!!! And "sob"??? I throw a party when mine turn 18 months!! 9 months of chasing them around the church building is enough for me!

Balancing & Blogging

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