Friday, October 17, 2008

Subtle Changes

As the seasons change, the subtle changes in my children seem more apparent as well. There's the drastic change and jumps in pant sizes, the increased knowledge and skill in sports and music, the jokes are funnier, the conversations more mature, and the questions more meaningful. In a small way, the season of my life is changing. A leaf has fallen; a passing. Often I look back wondering if I savored the seasons passed, did I enjoy the heat, the chills, the daily highs and the lows? And I think I did.

And besides, there are still many more seasons to enjoy.
(PS - I think he could be Edward Cullen)


Kendra said...

funny you bring this up. this is something thats been on my mind a lot lately as well.

our kids are getting old.

Mamabug said...

I am glad that you have embraced all the seasons - fun, painful, drab and bright! Wonderful example.

Scott and Tisha said...

Time flies so quickly with children. Have you noticed that when you were a child a tear seems like an eternity but as an adult and with a husband in school t is only 4 short semesters.Just a thought. Love the pictures.

Anne Marie said...

You are so poetic and thoughtful. I love both pics of the kiddos.

Jennifer said...

I LOVE the teeth. I looked very similar before braces. Halloween was a very painful experience. lol

Tony said...

I had a feeling a bit similar to that in Church today. It seems like only yesterday when I first stepped foot in the ward at 16, and now two of the guys are allready leaving for their missions!
Time sure does fly...
Glad you can cherish those moments!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...