Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day by Day

Each week we set a new goal, or else re-dedicate ourselves more fervently to last week’s goal. It has something to do with our family motto being Emil Coué’s famous quote “Every day in every way I am getting better and better.” Mr. T’s goal this week was once again to learn to tie his shoes. I admit, I tend to steer their minds a bit when coming up with their goals, and I am more than tired of having to tie up 6 shoes (possible 8, if my own need tying) every time we go outside. Another pet peeve is on the edge of vanishing as well, as Little E works on his goal to “Wipe my bum”. I cringe every time I hear him holler “I’m all done!” in that silly sing-song way he does and then hold my breath as I bend down to wipe yet another rear. Not fun. I made the mistake of asking my kids what they thought Mommy’s goal should be; here’s what I got thrown in my face:
*No yelling
*Give yourself a reading lesson (instead of Mr. T)
*Give your kids more treats
*Eat breakfast with your kids (I tend to eat before or after them so I can read to them)
*Take care of Baby J
*Don’t give us so much clean laundry to put away
*Play piano more


Debbi said...

why oh why do you do that to yourself?

My vote (based on the choices) goes with the breakfast eating suggestion. At least once or twice a week.

Mamabug said...

Good idea about talking about goals weekly. I hadn't thought of making it a weekly occurrence. I like it!

Lori said...

I'm impressed that you read to your kids while they are eating. My kids are usually watching cartoons at that time...many times so I can be in the shower.

singin'mama said...

Well, at least you can count on them to be honest right? What a good idea though. I think I underestimate my children's ages and their level of understanding. I think we'll give the goal setting a try. Thanks!

Anne Marie said...

Love how goal-oriented you are. I could learn a few lessons from you. I enjoyed reading the kids' suggestions. I'd hate to hear what my kids would tell me.

Carla said...

Oh my heck. You never cease to amaze me with how many goals, projects, activities, etc. that you do with your kids! I'm doing good to meet their physical needs, much less to expand their knowledge and abilities.

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