Monday, September 15, 2008

Trick or Treat?

We had a babysitter Saturday night so that I could go listen to my husband speak at a session of our stake conference. He was brilliant and beautiful up there, and though I wished he could also be sitting beside me on our “date,” I’m glad I was able to be there and smile up at him. Our sitter is young, but as the oldest of six kids, she comes with some experience. However, it seems that our daughter, the oldest of four, comes with her own experience and expertise as well. When we returned home at 10pm for a few minutes (to get one of our wallets to go out for a treat) we found our daughter up and watching a movie with the sitter. Our kids go to bed early, so 10pm is like an eternity past her bedtime. Apparently at her bedtime she burst into tears claiming that she missed her parents (hello, when has she EVER missed me?!) Anyways, the easily–manipulated-sitter tried to soothe her and asked what would make her feel better. She replied (and I can totally picture her face and her brilliant mind as she does this), “I think I would feel better if I were watching High School Musical.” Well we sent her off to bed, where she threw a fit and woke the baby and stalled our treat and so she has since suffered the horrible “consequence” of having something she absolutely CANNOT live without taken away for a total of two days. Her best friend. Harsh, I know. I only feel badly for her best friend (though it has been reversed in the past!)

So today, instead of coming home and rushing outside to play with her best friend (as per consequence), my daughter decided that if she were to have all this TIME on her hands, she would need to make a list of what to do. My heart beamed. My daughter was making a LIST – oh glorious and wondrous thing! Today’s list, which I presumed would consist of everything fun we hadn’t forbidden her to do, actually consisted of the following:
4) Do some chores
3) Help with kitchen (it was a wreck by the way)
2) Do homework
1) Do 20 minutes of piano (she only got 10 done this morning)
0) Do list (a girl after my own heart, she actually wrote this down last and checked it off since it was something she had completed)

(she put her list beside my agenda - love it!)
So she completed everything on her list, including making my kitchen sparkle, did her school fundraising, went to gymnastics and had plenty of time to read and go to bed without any complaints (and on time!) I’m thrilled. However, her actions and attitude make me want to punish her more often… she is so happy doing her “list”!


Carla said...

hahaha! She's amazing! Just a miniature Mrs. R!

Hoosier Mama said...

J is a gem. truly! She was super cute tonight too! We were sold!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Mr. Man wants me to comment that the point behind the "natural consequence" was that since she obviously wants to be with her family more, now she has to be.

Anonymous said...

A girl after my own heart, as well. I absolutely love to write lists! I even has lists that refer to other lists, i.e., I will have an overall "to do" list which will then refer to a separate "grocery" list. A bit neurotic, I know. I am happy to learn that I am not the only one who adds items already accomplished to the list in order to cross it off. LOL!

Here is my e-mail address if you would like to drop me a line some time:

Hope that you are doing well!

Debbi said...

That's priceless.
Do List.

Just to check it off. I'm so stealing that idea so that I can feel like I got SOMETHING done in the day! :)

(And Chris, I also make lists that are encompassing of other lists- groceries or whatnot)

Stephanie said...

That's cute that she wants a list like her mom! We've had to do the same thing with our little Saydria...taking away best friend time, it works the best for us. She could care less if I tell her to clean-"Ok, mom, no big deal...and 15 minutes later her room is spotless." It's the best friend that holds all this amazing power!! It's really bad when the BF calls and Saydria has to tell her that she can't play because she's acted inappropriately. It's horrible for her. Love it.

Lily said...

Too cute...I love that she layed it next to your schedule :)

Your mothermorphisis post was beautiful- the idea of watching the caterpillar change into a butterfly is great.

I was really touched by how you described how we turn into mothers.

Jennifer said...

The only way I can motivate my kids is with lists. There is such power in crossing things off.

I am hoping to someday feel the pride you felt at seeing them actually make their own list:)

It is always amazing to me what I may find they have talked the sitter into while I am gone:)

Donna's Next Chapter Art said...

The list making reminds me of my granddaughter, Gracie. She loves to make lists and charts and organize things. In fact, she reminds me of your Mr. Man... sees organization and math in everything and loves it. She's been doing multiplication and square roots since kindergarten. That must be genetic!

Anne Marie said...

What an amazing young lady. Very impressed by all that she was able to do.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...