Friday, September 12, 2008

Escaping Reality

Last night I dreamt I was unpacking boxes and boxes in our new home... enjoying the organization and purging and sense of newness and order. (I'm sure this stems from the fact that our friends are doing just that right now.) Next in my dream I was happily painting the walls when all of a sudden my boys turned the hose on in my house and ruined everything. (This, they actually DID yesterday, though they didn't have a new paint job to destroy.) I awoke anxious to move on to our next adventure and home, but also feeling a sense of looming doom accompanying it. Of course it is pouring rain today and I have all my errands to run! I felt quite rebellious leaving my cart in the middle of the parking lot instead of the cart corale (a first for me), and I've just discovered that my one year old likes to play fetch with a stuffed fire truck... apparently I need a little break and am excited for the break that tonight holds for me as I attend a Twilight series book group discussion. There's nothing like indulging in a discussion about vampires to help you escape from reality for a bit.


Carla said...

Oh I long for your status quo and the opportunity to escape!

Anne Marie said...

That Twilight discussion sounds wonderful. Hope you enjoy a nice break tonight.

Jennifer said...

I want to hear about the discussion!! I hate it when I am in the mood to not return the cart. That speaks volumes as to what kind of day you had :)

Hoosier Mama said...

Twilight discussion and you didn't invite me????? Hmph. I'm kidding, I think I've talked the book out just enough. What did you do about the squirting hose? I think I would have cried.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...