Saturday, September 06, 2008

Step by Step

We acquired a pedometer via cereal box. Since everyone wanted the new prized possession, Mr. Man announced a friendly family competition. We would each take turns wearing it throughout the week and see who took the most steps.
Mr. T: 5060
Miss J: 6125 (though she argues adamantly that it kept restarting and it's an unfair competition anyways, since she's stuck in a chair at school all day)
Little E: 8219 (he stopped at noon, happy to have beat his brother - since that's all that matters at our house... I can't imagine what his score would be in the end... the kid even runs on the spot, never standing still for a moment!)
Mr. Man: somewhere in the 2000 range... he's utterly depressed about this score, though his dissertation is looking good due to all of his sitting in front of the computer!
Me: 8628 - since I'm chasing after all of the above and Baby J who was completely irritated by the mechanism, but managed 200 steps in practically no time at all!

So, who takes the most steps in your family?


Amy said...

ahhh, your metomorphosis speech on mothers was beautiful! It warmed my heart. We have "hatched" butterflies for three years now and never once has my mind gone down the beautiful road you wrote about! I guess I need to think deeper about the little things.

Kai is dying to get one of those pedomiters that you put in your shoes that will tell you how many miles you run. I think in my house we might have a three way tie for the most steps between Kai and the girls.

Tony said...

I'd have to say that my mother also takes the most steps in the family. What a cool way to get your family into healthy habits!

Anne Marie said...

Little E's number is incredible. He must be one busy, active boy!

Jodie said...

Adrian's work has a pedometer program that gives rewards for a certain number of steps (in a year's time) so he doesn't go anywhere without his pedometer (he even wears it to church!). :) I would say that at the moment he definitely takes the most steps---well, Clark might register more if we could keep the device hooked on him. :)

Alicia said...

What a totally cute blog you've got going. I love it. And what a totally cute mom you are!

Hoosier Mama said...

Although I am taking a blogging break, I just can't break away from yours! It's the only one I am checking! Hah! I think Ty would take the cake on the steps.

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