Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sick Mommy and Mummies

I seemed to have caught myself a small stomach bug. Yesterday afternoon I was in the depths of despair, or at least glued to the couch or the toilet seat to throw up. Thankfully the boys played quietly and even did some school work on their own and the baby napped longer than ever expected, which actually made me late for school pick-up. I don’t know what I would have done for the few hours between then and when Mr. Man arrived home had it not been for a loud-mouthed son (who presumably asked his friend’s mom to watch him because his Mama was sick on the couch) and a blessed neighbor who called to confirm and then trucked over all four of my kids to her house so I could sleep soundlessly and not have to rouse my aching body, and unnerve my truly disturbed belly by chasing a curious one-year old around. Thank you. Last night when the aches didn’t cease, but my heaving did, I moaned to my husband that I thought I was dying and couldn’t remember the last time I felt so truly ill. Today has been much better and though my stomach isn’t pleased with my intentions to feed it, and occasionally cramps down and reminds me to behave myself and stay away from anything yummy, I feel weak and managed a little snooze, and I know I’m on the mend. Thankfully. I walked Miss J to and from school today a little more slowly than usual, and I suddenly remembered that it was only a short year ago, that I had hemorrhaged and lost half my blood and was so deliriously weak for weeks on end that I couldn’t manage that walk at all. In fact I had to stop several times just to go up or down my home stairs. Again, I feel so thankful for my good health, even in the stomach-bug recovery stage.

For History today we were reading and discussing about the Upper and Lower Egyptian tribes and especially about the Nile River and the Nile Delta. Mr. T could really understand the concept of the constant flooding due to recent summer happenings in our state. It was interesting to us how the Egyptians learned from the annual flooding and used it to their advantage; from using the silt to plant and then building canals to store water for the dry season. Then of course we had to go outside and build our own model of the Nile River, and then… flood it! The boys had a blast, and I even got my hands pretty dirty (I know you’re shocked Mom!) So we’re learning lots and having fun together. I really thought that I would be a scheduled homeschooler, meaning I would do school at the same time for the same time everyday. I like routines and schedules. But so far, we’ve just found time here and there and gotten through most, if not all, of our daily plans. The boys seem to like having it broken up, and play time here and there throughout the day too. It’s been enough, that even my completely opposed to sitting down and doing anything educational, Little E, has been wandering over and asking to be included in more of our activities and learning. I’m thrilled.

We hit the library tonight and are excited for all the topics we chose to look into. We have several books on butterflies and metamorphosis as we’ve been growing our own caterpillars who have now changed into chrysalides and in a week or so will emerge as butterflies. Remarkably, the baby has been intrigued by these little creatures as well and will often beg to be lifted up to see and will point and watch contentedly for quite a while. Personally, I think he wants to squish them. That’s why they’re up high!

So here’s to health and homeschooling and hoping the two continue to make everyone in our home happy.

(had the include the cute little "squatter"in the dirt with his stick )


singin'mama said...

It sounds like you've read the book "Thomas Jefferson Education". If you haven't you should and you will be very validated in your approach. Can I come to your school? I want to make the Nile river too! My big boy starts Thursday so we'll see!

Jennifer said...

Oh how hard it is when mom gets sick. So glad it all worked out okay.

I sure admire anyone who homeschools !! Wish I had the confidence and courage :)

Anne Marie said...

Sorry you've been sick. Hope you are fully recovered soon. I'm so impressed by all your homeschooling ideas.

Anonymous said...

You are so incrediably descriptive in your writing. So glad your friends were there to help you, when I am so far away.
Sure impressed with what you are studying with children that are so young!!!

Shawny said...

Do let me know if you need anything! Seriously, anything, anytime!

Stephanie said...

It was nice reading back on a few of your latest posts that I've been lazy about reading lately. Thanks for the "Behold your little ones" recommendation, I will get that ordered online today. It sounds like you are a great homeschooling mom. Your kids really seem to be enjoying your creativity! Sorry to hear that you got sick, it sounds like you are surrounded by some great people!

Mamabug said...

What homeschool curriculum are you?

Jodie said...

lovin' the squat!

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