Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I’ve put off posting a celebratory moment. My baby is now one.

I will never be pregnant again (for that I am eternally grateful).
I will never have a toothless child of mine grin up at me… though there will be grandchildren someday I presume.
And I can’t quite rid myself of those teeny baby blankets that I haven’t used in months. I suppose I’m in the denial stage, and silently mourning a passing of mothering babies.
I don’t have much time to mourn though, as I chase my attempting-to-run one year old everywhere, trying to keep track of all the toys and items my little scavenger places in obscure places – most recently his favourite dumping ground is, ironically, the trash can. His sweet smile melts my heart, even as he pushes out of my arms and says “Go go go”. As he fiddles with the baby gate and tries to get up the stairs faster than I can jump over his pile of toys he’s placed as a roadblock for me, I try not to wish these moments and this new toddler stage away. One day, soon enough, I will cry as I pass on all the blocks and balls that now threaten my sanity.

So I choose to celebrate.
Happy Birthday my little one.


Camie said...

He's running??!! What a big boy! And what a milestone for you--definitely something to mourn and celebrate all at once!

Carla said...

AWE!! I totally feel the same way (though not as intense I'm sure) even though I will have others!! What a cutie!

Laura said...

Happy Birthday, Little Guy! I know you are missing your tiny baby, but I just LOVE one year olds. They're still your baby, but can do so much more. The world is so amazing to them and they make you see everything with so much more appreciation and wonder. Enjoy!

Amy said...

Happy late birthday to you my friend and too your sweet little boy! I remember going to the zoo with you on one of your birthdays in Hawaii. My baby boy is approaching the one year mile stone and it makes me so sad. We are about 90% sure we won't have another one and I just want him to saty little longer!

Umm, if you look at my blog, would you consider a job as an editor?

Anne Marie said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little guy!!! It is so bittersweet to watch your baby grow up.

Jodie said...

Happy birthday both of you! He is so darling and it seems crazy that he's so old! But what a fun boy I'm sure he is.

And I understand at this point what you mean by being eternally grateful for never being pregnant again...I can't picture ever wanting to go through this again (though I will...once I forget how uncomfortable I am).

Brooke said...

ohhhh what a sweet entry ;)

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...