Saturday, May 03, 2008


Mr. T goes in for surgery on Tuesday, May 6th. Please keep him in your prayers and as you fast and worship this Sabbath day. God bless.


Kendra said...

he certainly will be. I've been thinking about it all week.... it's on my calendar...I feel so bad for the little man. caleb and i have already planned out a get well package! hoping all will go well.

Kristy said...

T will absolutely be in our prayers! I'm always glad when my kids are through those tough times, but I'm sure he'll be fine.

singin'mama said...

I was wondering when that would happen. We will remember him in our prayers.Such a scary thing for a mother! I think we have a harder time then they do because their memory fades over time.Poor guy!

Anonymous said...

We'll keep all of you in our prayers. My heart goes out to you. Is he on any prayer rolls? I'll call the temple close to me and put him on it. I'm so grateful for prayer-- there is a very real power to it.

Anne Marie said...

He will definitely be in our prayers. Hoping everything goes perfectly.

Anonymous said...

We've all been praying and fasting for you! Special care package coming by car tomorrow.



Lori Garcia said...

Sorry I'm behind on blogg reading, but we're glad we read this today. We'll include T in our prayers. I hope everything goes well!

Net said...
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Net said...

Isaac and Adam have been asking all day if they can bring over cookies yet. We hope all is going well. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lydia said...

We have been thinking of you today and remembering you in our prayers. Hope all is going well.

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