Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here Comes Trouble

So my non-rolling, non-crawling baby is learning to pull-up and trying to walk. This means that nothing in my house is safe. The new rule is that anything I find in Baby J's mouth goes in the trash - from pennies, to lego, polly pocket accessories and star wars' helmets - there's been an excess of trash lately. Our sweet baby has also taken to tearing apart the train table, pulling all the books off the bookshelf and then ripping several pages to shreds, not to mention the DVD collection and tupperware! Standing behind him and letting him hold my two index fingers as he maneuvers his way to his next territory to claim has become a full-time job, but at least there are benefits; look at that smile!


Jennifer said...

Crazy times huh?

Only a mom of 5 teenagers would be insane enough to say...."enjoy it"?

I know can hardly believe that I really said that....

Anne Marie said...

He is absolutely adorable. It's such a crazy phase when they can get into everything. By the way, star wars lego heads do go through the digestive tract quite easily, should he ever swallow one. We found out with Ian (or Chris?). Ugh, I hate that whole "eating everything in sight" phase.

Stephanie said...

What fun times we are experiencing! I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one finding treasures in the trash. Except, you leave them there and I fish them out. :) Cole threw away one of his church shoes I think, we couldn't find his other one even after a monetary award was announced, so I'm careful to look in the trash for stuff now. I've found other shoes, my mixer thingys, various toys and tools, as well as a wallet. I do watch him, I really do, but sometimes he's sneaky!

libbie said...

its so bitter sweet when they are mobile! That smile is to die for!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...