Thursday, May 15, 2008

Graduating May Kill You

Miss J ~

Today: "I can't wait till the last day of school when I get to graduate from first grade. Do you think it's going to be like last year when I had my kindergarten funeral and I got a certificate and walked to the front of the stage?"

Yesterday: "Will we ever have a cat or dog... I know, we have to wait until we don't live here and have our own house. And we can't buy a house until Daddy graduates. But what if I'm dead by then?"

***On a side note, Miss J was wearing this dress on Sunday when all the primary children went up to the front to sing a song for Mother's Day. After church we were praising our children for their singing and asking how they felt when they were up there. Nervous, of course. But Miss J answered, "I was so embarrassed. I couldn't believe I was up there in front of everyone wearing polka-dots!" How horrific! I think she looks absolutely adorable.


Jenny said...

But polka-dots are all the rage right now! A few weeks ago, all I could see were polka dots as I wandered the mall department stores! And she looks beautiful!! I love her perspective on education.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Moral of the story: Never be caught dead at a graduation or wearing polka dots.

Thanks for capturing the insights of innocence through your wonderful writings.

Love, Dad

Anne Marie said...

Her dress is absolutely beautiful. And she looks very grown-up and pretty. Love her comments. Laughing about those.

Hoosier Mama said...

oh my cuteness! congratulations to ms. J and i wish i could look as cute as she in polka-dots!

Shauna said...

LOL. She is a funny lady. I love her dress and think she looks darling. She has got quite the little personality.

Stephanie said...

She's too cute! I love the dress on her, she's just so fashion forward!

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