Line upon line, miracle upon miracle, our little Mr. T never ceases to amaze. Not only did his surgery go over so much better than planned, his recovery has been absolutely wonderful too. Last Wednesday was a big day for him. He went to get his cast off amidst not feeling well, and after a short follow-up with the surgeon returned home with his monthly cyclical fever. He had a rough afternoon, part fever, and part psychological I think from being able to see the huge lines of stitches, and feeling that for the first time. He was bound and determined to go to his preschool recognition night (graduation) and so we drugged him up, loaded up his walker and headed over. Some of you may recall the horrors of last year’s graduation, and so, as usual, my pessimistic self prepared for the worst and was delightfully surprised. He was in pain and a bit teary, so Mr. Man carried him and together they “graduated”. Mr. Man received some “about time” comments, but really it was a special moment for father and son. Mr. T sat on a chair and still participated as well as he could. It was a nice evening, and we made it last with ice cream afterwards. We are so proud of how far he has come. He is such a trooper! We went to physical therapy on Thursday (Mr. T was heard to tell a neighbor that “I used to go to speech therapy, but now I go to speech therapy for my leg!) and did remarkably well. Somehow he knew he couldn’t fool her and she had him up and walking in no time! He limps a bit and has to be reminded to keep his right foot straight ahead, but really he’s doing so great! So well, in fact, that we got him a two-wheeler and he was riding his bike all through the store and then all around the neighborhood yesterday! (I still have to get pictures of that!) We had no idea how this summer would be for him, originally thinking he would be in a cast for the first eight weeks… and now we are trying to keep up with him instead. I feel really blessed and know that Mr. T must be a special boy indeed to be so constantly and lovingly held in the hand of the Lord.
This is his absolutely most favourite song that he sings every day! Love it!
What a little trouper! That is a nice looking cast.
wow, he is awesome! I can't imaging having to go through that myself let alone watching your child! This really tugged at my heart strings. He is going to be one of those amazing people that always have an optimistic view on life. Way to go T!
I just love reading all of your posts. It really makes me miss you though. Sometimes I long for those days in TVA when friends were just a quick walk away.
Poor Mr. T. He has had to go through so much in such a short life. It will make him strong and add depth to his personality.
I am glad his graduation was better than last years and your cute little daughter is a crack up. Miss you so much!
Yay for Mr T and Lydia! They did it! I was proud of him (and all of you!) for celebrating his graduation despite all that he has going on! And Lydia LOVES the David song too!!
So glad things are going as well as they are with the recovery. It is so hard to see our kids have to go through something like that. And to wonder how it will all turn out.
I guess it was a "love David" week!!!
So glad his recovery is going well. What a trooper. Love the pic of T and his daddy.
What a beautiful post! I'm impressed with his participation in graduation, in spite of his ailments, and meds. WHat a cutie pie guy!
I just caught up on your blog. I am glad everything went so well with your boy. What a tough little guy. And adorable . . . as are all your kids! You are such a good writer. I am so envious of that, but hey, I've got at least one thing going for me . . . . I have really great toes.
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