Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vote for David

Somehow our daughter has become obsessed with American Idol and, inevitably “fallen in love” with David Archuleta. In the last few weeks the two of us have had an ongoing argument that consists of one word each. Me: “Cook”. Her: “Archuleta”. At the bottom of each lunch note I sign “love Mommy” and then, “Cook”. I love to infuriate her infatuation! Tonight, of course, she did everything I could have dreamed up asking her so that she could stay up to watch the Davids. She invited her best friend over for a pajama party to watch the last (for her) American Idol. While it was a bit hard to let go of “our special time” together, I had so much fun watching those two silly girls having way too much fun.

What cracks me up is that they were discussing what the “winner” gets, and have determined that he will obviously get a certificate saying he is a winner.

Tonight Miss J went to bed with her “pretend” husband, David Archuleta. The girls say they really do love him, not just his songs. This is beyond me… oh well.
I think both Davids are amazing and both are sure to go on to have spectacular careers, however, I prefer Cook’s songs and feel he has more of an idol image. Archuleta will most likely win because of all the little girls who will convince their parents to vote for him, and he does have an absolutely amazing voice. While I would love to win the argument between Miss J and I, I do know that I’m a much better loser, and so for the sake of our household, may the youngest David win.


Kendra said...

can i link this post to my blog?

Shauna said...

LOL! This is reallly cute! I am american idol clueless, but i love hearing your stories.

Camie said...

I'm reading this post as I'm voting over and over for David Archuleta! (although I have only gotten 2 votes in so far and mostly busy busy busy signals)

My Many Coloured Days said...

Kendra - of course! Mr. Man thought you may have wanted permission asked before that last picture was posted?! I'll send you the pics too!

Kendra said...

i've got to dig up the picture i have of me and my friend doing the same thing when i was young.... didn't every little girl kiss the screen? please tell me that's normal!:) thanks for the pictures, i'll just post them.

Jennifer said...

There is nothing better than a girlfriend to swoon with about a boy:)

Unknown said...

I think that both David's have amazing voices and record companies will be all over them no matter who wins. My vote is for Archuleta...just because he is so humble and cute. And it amazes me that he has vocal chord issues (as he explained in his audition for the show). Cook is great too....but he belongs back in the bartending world. ;)


Anne Marie said...

This is absolutely hilarious!!! I think both are very talented and appeal to totally different audiences. I really like Archuleta's sweetness. But I think Cook is a better performer. It will be exciting.

Dana and ohana said...

we are having the "david delema" at our house too. Jason and Jayden (cook) vs. Braley and I (Archie). Really, they are both going to make a LOAD of cash so who cares who wins!!! My stratagey...vote David!!!

Stephanie said...

This was fun to read about your American Idol girls. I don't watch it, but I always get the recap from the morning radio stations as I make breakfast. I was not a David A fan only because the radio DJ's made fun of him all the time and I thought for sure he'd lose. Isn't that terrible? (Not making fun of his singing, just his interviewing skills.) I know, that has nothing to do with his singing skills, but I was somehow turned off by it. Not that it mattered, because I didn't vote.

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