Friday, May 09, 2008


Yes, we are home and Mr. T is doing wonderfully. Our first night home was a rough one, but last night he slept in his own bed, and slept all night too. He seems to have a fear of falling asleep alone now and I'm curious if this stems from the surgery "sleep." It is frustrating for him to understand why a few days ago he had now pain, and now after a surgery that was meant to make things better, he has pain. However, he is healing quickly and we are slowly giving him less and less pain medication and he is also getting around more and more. He has his walker (which Baby brother also enjoys) and his knees are looking a little worn from crawling around. Mr. T and the baby both scooch across the floor on their bottoms, and it is kind of amusing to watch them both! Mr. T is feeling the love as so many friends and family have sent well-wishes and brought care packages for him to enjoy as he lives life a bit more stable. I feel confident that his recovery will be a smooth one.
The boy, however, cannot stop talking. I think because he has no mobility, his mouth has to do all the running for him. It's pretty insane. He is so sweet, though, and is the perfect person and personality to have to have limited motion. He is content to sit in a stroller watching his brother running around - cheering him on and blowing bubbles. I'm grateful it isn't another one of my children, not mentioning any names whatsoever, who is struck stuck and would inevitably be throwing a multitude of temper tantrums with a heavy cast.
We were sad to see Grandma and Uncle leave today. They were a huge help, even though Uncle introduced Mr. T to the joys of computer games... hmmmmm... you will be missed!


Anne Marie said...

Love the camo cast. He sounds like the sweetest boy through it all. I'm glad the recovery is going quite well so far.

Laurie said...

Very cool cast! I'm glad he's doing well.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...