Thursday, May 24, 2007

Story of my life...

It seems like all the “usual” life happenings have seemed a little exaggerated lately, given my condition from the couch. Regular childhood illnesses and accidents are a bit harder to deal with and my constant expression lately has been “story of my life”.

When Little E poops in his underwear… “story of my life”.

When Big J falls off her bike and I can’t run to her but have to wait for her to come crawling to me, “story of my life”.

Mr. T had what I thought was the worst pink eye I’ve ever seen over the weekend with green goup just pouring out of his eye – and would kick and scream while I attempted to sit on him and put the dreaded eye drops in… “story of my life” – and even more so when it turned out he had a sinus infection and the drops had been futile.

Mr. Man was gone for the weekend for his brother’s graduation, came back to spend Monday with us and left early early Tuesday to work for several weeks up in Canada. We were more than well taken care of over the weekend (my favorite was when a friend dropped by and yelled out for an explanation as to why I wasn’t in my “chair” – I was peeing!) and thankfully my Mom arrived Tuesday evening, so it has been Grandma to the rescue since!

Yesterday evening was Mr. T’s recognition ceremony for preschool. We were all dressed up and ready on time and Grandma was driving so I was attempting to get out of the house and enjoy the evening with my leg up elsewhere. Literally minutes from the preschool, Little E started throwing up and throwing up and throwing up. Again, my response as I turned to my Mom, “story of my life”. Big J started bawling, feeling horrible for Little E and worried we wouldn’t be able to see Mr. T “graduate” now! However, Grandma came to the rescue and dropped us off, took Little E home to clean up and returned just as we exited to taxi us home. I was sorry she had to miss it, as it was such a wonderful night, but grateful nonetheless that the entire evening hadn’t been completely ruined for everyone.

Trying to clean up all the puke all over the car was another story… but we all survived and Little E woke up today just fine.

To give you an idea of what my leg feels like these days, I can only describe the constant ache as the worst period cramps of your life all the way down your leg to just below your ankle. Sometimes it’s worse; mostly at the end of the day. If I’m up it’ll feel like I have the biggest poop in the world to rid myself of- even though I don’t. In some ways it feels like I’m ready to push this baby out! This morning after taking a shower, I was throbbing and when one of the kids’ wet face cloths fell down into the tub I looked down because with how I was feeling I wouldn’t have been surprised to have seen that I had given birth to my baby. Strange feelings… it’s not normal! “Story of my life”!


Dana and ohana said...

I so understand you on that one. I always find myself saying, "of course that would happen to me/us!" to everything from Ansen having rota virus not 1 but 2 times, Braley and all of her constant stomach problems, and Jayden and her 6 year old drama. When the kids grow up I think I will go into crisis counceling becuase by then I will have experienced just about everything:)

Anne Marie said...

Oh my goodness! This sounds absolutely insane! I am so sorry. The baby will not be here soon enough. Best of luck! You are completely amazing.

Kristy said...

You have had it rough lately, girl! I'm glad your mom was there to help out.

Rachel said...

oh, my. Isn't life just so exciting!? Your life would seriously be a very entertaining REALITY show! You are such a trooper, and I just know Heavenly Father has a whol bucket of blessings to dump down on you any minute! Remeber, you are amazing, and as insane as life is, you are handling it all beautifully! :) Keep on can get you through the worst of times.

Lily said...

Your children are beautiful- they resemble you so much.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...