Thursday, November 08, 2007

Great Deal

I don't usually post things like this, but my friend insisted.
(and since she watched my boys so I could go Christmas finding... well, I'll comply!)

This is the cutest little set EVER! This 17 piece set includes oven safe baking pans, cookie cutters, rolling pin, measuring spoons, whisk, apron and vinyl carrying bag! And the best part about this adorable gift is that it's only $4.99!

I saw it in the Bed Bath & Beyond flyer... and if you buy three you can use your $5 off (any purchase of $15 or more) coupon.

Now if you're turning three soon and related to me or my neighbor... DON'T BUY and completely ignore this!!!


Tuesday Girl said...

I will have to get one of these for my twins, they love to bake with me,

Dana and ohana said...

have it, love it...use it with the Widing keiki's all the time

Rachel said...

First of all, I really enjoyed your misc. thoughts on motherhood! You are so wise beyond your years, Renee and I have found so much inspiration through your thoughtful posts!

Secondly, Big J is amazingly talented! I am seriously impressed - my chin is on the floor!

And what a GREAT DEAL! I think I found a cute/cheap gift for Miss Kate! Thanks!

And never apologize for posting great ideas on your blog! It is appreciated!

Rachel said...

I forgot to add, I LOVE the layout!

Hope said...

I saw this and had to run out and buy it for my daughter and neice. I can't pass up a good deal. Thanks for posting this.

(By the way - I read your blog...sorry Jodie got me into this whole "blog stalking". I have been meaning to tell you in person.)

Balancing & Blogging

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