Thursday, March 08, 2007

Cloth Diapers?

I’m not what you would call an “earthy” person. I’m the mom in the grocery store telling my kids to put back the organic carrots and look for the cheap ones. We eat healthy enough, we play outside and bond with nature enough, and as much as I’d like to say we grind our own wheat and eat beans and legumes at almost every meal… we don’t. That’s just not me. I care about the world enough; I use biodegradable cleaners mostly because I’m worried my kids will kill themselves… and I like the smells. So when I started considering cloth diapering our next baby, I was a little surprised at how natural and right it felt for me. Because really, it’s not me… but could it be?

Maybe because it’s our fourth and by this point I figure I’ve messed up on the other three and deserve another fresh start, but basically I do worry about all the chemicals that loiter around these little infants special private parts. My research has made me even more concerned. I’m not trying to save the earth, or even save money, but if I can save my kids some respiratory problems and the risk of toxic shock syndrome or even fertility issues… it’s worth it to me. But do you think I’m up for it? Can I really dunk and rinse those poopy diapers in my toilet, wash and fold more laundry than I already do and be ready to bag my dirty diapers in public places? The questions are up in the air, the spousal discussion is in process and I’m curious about what all of you do and think – as the two may be completely unrelated, I know.


Anonymous said...

The spousal discussion consists of me telling all of the negative externalities of cloth diapers as raised in this blog. But there is one advantage to cloth diapering, oh wait, I forgot already.

Mr. Man

singin'mama said...

Good one Mr. Man! I happen to be on your side! More power to you if you can do it Renee!

LollyGirl said...

I really like the idea of cloth diapering and like you keep considering it. check out the link to my friends on-line business from my blog: tender cargo. she sells them and has some interesting info. on it (plus really cute and convenient supplies for it). newborns generate so much laundry anyway, I don't think you'd feel the difference plus they don't require much folding. if you have a good washing machine--it simplifies the work even more. good luck.

libbie said...

Hey . . . Remember how my mom had like 14 kids . . . well, she used cloth diapers for all of us. I don't remember it being so bad! And I changed A LOT of those diapers!

Anne Marie said...

Brave woman (that's all I can say).

Jodie said...

Renee--since you delurked onto my blog, I thought it safe for me to be able to do the same to yours!!

First off--I had no idea until like last week at church that you are pregnant...congrats!

And second...I am so seriously considering cloth diapers, too. My sister uses them and can't speak highly enough of them. A few weeks ago I visited home and she let me use them for a week. LOVED them!! There are so many kinds that are cute and no fuss. They have velcro, snaps, etc. So easy. She uses BumGenius should check them out online. ( They adjust size so can be used from newborn to toddler...pretty cool. The initial investment is about $200--but you spend that easily within a year on disposables, and these last a long time. I'd love to talk more about them with you!

Anyways, off my soapbox. I hope you and Mr. Man can come to an agreement. :) Congrats, again!


Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...