Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cinderella's Grand Debut

Mr. Man took our little Cinderella to the ballet today to see "Cinderella". They both got dressed up and went with our good friends and neighbors on a daddy-daughter double date. The ballet was enjoyed by everyone, and even Mr. Man has been retelling his favourite parts! Big J, of course, has been acting them out and I think we may have a little actress/ballerina on our hands! She absolutely loved it and was thrilled with sitting up in the balcony. In her own words though, "I was the most beautiful girl there, but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want them to feel bad!" I'm glad she felt that way! Afterwards the dads took the girls out to dinner at the Olive Garden, where Big J had hoped to order a taco, but instead ordered pizza! What a date! She is now begging to go see "The Nutcracker" next Christmas!

*Of course I need to share a funny story... Big J's friend Miss E asked her dad in the middle of the ballet if the boy dancers were wearing underwear. He replied that they were. She then asked if they were wearing pants. He said that of course they were and asked why she was wondering... apparently she said it didn't look like they were wearing any bottoms at all! Mr. Man informed me that her observation was pretty correct and couldn't help laughing as I was toweling off the boys after their bath... since they resembled the male dancers with their birthday suits! Gotta love being cultured!


Rachel said...

What a special day for a little girl and her daddy! She'll hold on to that memory for forever, I'm sure! And, my, what confidence in herself and her own beauty...yet how sweet to consider other's feelings! You are raising a fine young lady!

libbie said...

I love daddy daugher stuff. It makes me so happy! Good job Mr. G! Not too many men would take thier daughters to the ballet!

Anne Marie said...

This is soooo sweet! What a great night for a daddy and his girl.

singin'mama said...

Oh my goodness! I bet Mr. Man got some major points that night from the Mama of the house! That last story about made me pee my pants laughing! Pretty funny!

Lily said...

What a wonderful date! Mr. Man is THE MAN! Your family is beautiful, I am so glad I can look at your blog- would it be okay if I sent the link to our other former roomate, Chrissy?

Anonymous said...

I did obtain 'major points' but the equation works like this:

'major points' X 'pregnant wife' = no luck.

Mr. Man

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...