Monday, October 16, 2006

Terrible Two's Top Ten

Lately it seems like all "ahem" has broken loose in our home, but in actuality Little E has just decided to restate his stage in life: that being the terrible two's.

Here are some tragedies that have recently struck, and the reasons I know I am still living with a tantrummy toddler.

10. There are stickers on my floor, on my walls, and on the railings.

9. There are white chalk scribbles all over my beautiful red wall.

8. Scissors are dangerous. A certain favourite “Thomas the Train” shirt now sports some unsightly holes.

7. He lies, “I’m three” and the receptionist believes him and makes a note on his chart.

6. The imprints of markers and stamps are on the walls, inside the fridge and all over Little E’s body – including in his mouth and ears.

5. We hear, “Ummmmmm..... No” and “NO WAY” way too much!

4. I don’t remember the last “meal” Little E has actually eaten, but I can tell you everything he hasn’t – since I’ve had to pick every little piece up off the floor.

3. Nobody naps here anymore... but Mommy desperately wants one.

2. After getting his feelings hurt, or told “no” Little E runs up to his bed and cries with his blankie until I go up to talk with him.

1. In trying to comfort my crying baby I ask if he needs a hug, or a kiss... he replies with tears running down his face, but with no lack of manipulation: “I need a movie!”

So life is full of adventures and the storybook “Love You Forever” seems real once again. Little E’s favourite game is still to yell and whisper “I LOVE YOU” back and forth with me... so while the moments of solace are few and far between, they do exist.


Jenny said...

Don't you just love how the kiddos are master manipulators? I tried to get your attention at the end of TOFW, but failed and we were wisked out the door with the crowd. I felt very bad that I didn't get a chance to hug you goodbye. It was so great to see you. Wasn't it the best day? Hope you loved it too! Did you take notes? We should compare.

Michelle said...

These are seriously too true and quite hilarious at the same time! Thanks for the pumpkin carol - loved it! send (or post) more if you get a chance!

Anne Marie said...

Renee, don't remind me that next year it will still be crazy with my twins! Very cute list!

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