Friday, October 06, 2006

While You Were Sleeping

It's been a while since Mr. Man had one of his "nightmares" or "outbursts"! Last night was great though! Somewhere between midnight and 3 am he shot upright and YELLED
Well, it was enough to wake me up, anyways. He always seems like he's awake and goofing off to me when these outbursts happen, but I quizzed him this morning on his dreams and he was shocked and amused with his hooting and hollering! The next one made me think he may have been having a parenting nightmare. Bolted upright and yelling loudly(I really wish I could have recorded this!):
"Aughhhhhhhhh.... Get all these toys off the fllllllllllllipppin' floor!"
Then there was the somewhat incoherent one that I did my best to interpret:
(Interpretation/Explanation: Lately we've had sick kids and a lot of awakenings... when they are up for good in the morning we've been dragging our feet and staying in bed as long as we possibly can... this has resulted in the hallway being absolutely strewn with toys. Usually I'll get up and go to the bathroom and yell out my ultimatum, that by the time I get out I better be able to walk down the hallway without stepping on a toy or it goes in the trash! It's worked, but apparently has also given my husband nightmares!!!)

So if it's not my kids waking me up in the night, it's nice to know I can count on Mr. Man for a late late late night comedy show!


Jenny said...

Funny! You should record his outbursts on a tape recorder for posterity.

Michelle said...

renee, that's hilarious! great idea to blog it so you can look back and laugh on what haunted his dreams! peter has nightmares often, too. only his just involve a random crying out (he says that most of them involve some type of animal chasing him - wonder what that translates to?).

Kristy said...

That's too funny!

Anne Marie said...

What a funny scene! I hope your kids are feeling better. Sick kids always wear me out.

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