Friday, October 13, 2006


My kids have continued to play together a LOT with all their little figurines mixed together in a gigantic and twisted plot! Big J, being the eldest, particularly enjoys running the show. Lately it’s been fun to hear Mr. T (now 3 ½) standing up to her and trying to manipulate the play a little bit more... here are two precious samples of his recent attempts during their playtime:

J: You must go home... you can’t play here anymore!
T: But I don’t have a home!
J: Your Mommy wants you to come to her.... go see your Mom!
T: But I don’t have a Mom!
J: Yes you do! I can hear your Daddy calling you too – go see!
T: But I don’t have a Mom or a Dad! I have no where to go!
J: Ughhhh! I just don’t want to play with you right now!
T: But I do.

J: Quick come into my house!
T: No thanks, I want to stay outside and play.
J: No, you must come in.
T: I don’t want to.

J: The water is rising and you're going to drown.
T: I'm on a boat.
J: It’s freezing cold outside, you’re going to freeze!
T: I like the freezing.

J: Please come in my house?


Anne Marie said...

Too cute! I love hearing the boy/girl play in your house. We don't have too much variety, mostly pirate threats, castle attacks, and explosions.

Michelle said...

go, Mr. T!

Balancing & Blogging

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