On a happy note, we had a wonderful weekend hosting Canadian Thanksgiving. Both my parents, my Oma and three of my younger siblings came all the way to another country to celebrate with us! Everyone enjoyed watching Big J and Mr. T playing basketball,

we had some lovely walks, great game-playing (Oma was a hoot at Malarky – did you know that the word “bluff” in Dutch means “show-off”?!) and of course we devoured a delicious Thanksgiving feast!

Little E was obsessed with saying “OMA” and wanted her to play with him constantly. Mr. T wanted to ride bikes with Oma, but since she didn’t have one offered for her to ride on the back of his! It’s fun to see the generations together, obviously adoring each other, but with my little ones seeing little to no age difference between them! Thanksgiving is always a wonderful holiday to share with family – and it was so enjoyable to have them all here (with nobody flying off on a short notice!)

(The boys loved the new toy Oma brought for them to play with - her walker! And I think Oma enjoyed watching them!)

(Big J, who is always one for a story, quite enjoyed listening to Oma's stories - particularly the one about the giant butterflies in Indonesia!)
We definately miss our family now - each and every one of them. We were spoiled with love, attention and gifts!
When I think about it some more, I suppose crying isn't always such a bad thing - it means we feel and feeling is a good thing. And since love is a feeling that you feel when you feel that you're going to feel a feeling that you've never felt before - I just need to suck it up, ignore the onions and feel the love!
What beautiful pictures! It sounds like you really were able to enjoy your family. I'm always so sad when my extended family ends their visits.
Sounds like a great get-together! I love watching my kids interact with my Grandma--she has the same walker, which they, too LOVE!
I really LOVE the system you've devised to display your kids art work. I'm always trying to figure out where to display stuff since the fridge can only hold so much, especially since anything on the lower half is destroyed by the littlest creature in the house.
This lead to another question: do you keep all their art work? Or just the selections? I have an accordian file for each year but I'm wondering if that's the best system?
Good question Cheryl! I'd love to know what others do too... though I'm pretty sure there isn't a "perfect" system! The display lines are from IKEA, of course! If the kids have something new to display they have to choose which masterpiece to replace it with. With Julia now I'll ask her if it's special for keeping in her cubby (I have a three tier cubby/basket system for their personal histories)or for mailing to grandparents or the shredder - which is fun too! I keep a lot of their art and then at the end of the year dig through everything to decide what's priceless and what's not (often there are tons of art work with the same "theme"). I've glued artwork to white cardstock added little notes if needed, laminated a cover page (of their favorite art) and spiral bound their books of art so they can look through them now too. (Julia has one for Toddler Artwork - up to age 3, and Preschool Artwork - up to kindergarten). It looks like school is going to be tricky - they come home with so much busy work!!! I'd love to hear what everyone else does too!
When Chris and I first read this post, we thought, "Wow, that turkey is pretty old." But THEN we kept reading and was reminded of Canadian Thanksgiving. Our family should start celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving because it sounds like so much fun. Any excuse for turkey is a great idea to me!
Renee! first off, let me say that you look fabulous. i love the long hair! i also love your art display, the pics of the kids on the wall, and the color of your wall. very pottery barnish! so glad you had fun with your fam.
i am racking my brain trying to figure out what the peanuts pumpkin carols book is all about - i tried looking it up on amazon but there weren't any pictures? and it was out of stock! so, tell me more!
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