Thursday, October 26, 2006


Today we received a call from a member of our church who just recently moved into our neighbourhood, but whom we barely know. Her car wouldn’t start and she had been stranded at Wal-Mart for several hours trying to think of anyone’s name so she could find their number in the phone book and call for help. After several attempts, and now with a very crabby 5 month old, she succeeded in reaching us. Mr. T was not very happy to have to leave with a moment’s warning and so after bribing my boys with suckers and explaining the merits of service we were on our way. Mr. T was especially interested in my explanation that when we serve others it’s like we are serving Jesus. When we pulled up to Wal-Mart, Mr. T was leaning out to get a better view and exclaimed: “Jesus is at Wal-Mart?!” I guess I need to work on that explanation a bit more, but his reaction was priceless. In a way, I suppose, Jesus was at Wal-Mart today!


Anonymous said...

It's too bad!! We were at Walmart today around 12:30 or so. Glad you could rescue her!

Anne Marie said...

Too cute.

Michelle said...

LOL...that one really made me chuckle. i love this age for comments like these!

Kristy said...

That is SO funny.

Balancing & Blogging

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