Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thursday, June 12 JACOB

"Nationwide is on your side."

I took these pictures.

We went swimming.  

Mama had an interview.  We went to the seasider. When we were done we went home.  Then we went to Waimea and we jumped off the rock.  I first was scared, then I jumped and I did it two more times and went to the big side.  People below watching thought I was amazing for being so little and jumping so high.  I like the beach.  We all jumped except Mom.  She was scared.  

Happy birthday.

Next time I'll tell you one thing: it's father's day.  Love, Jacob

Remember "Nationwide is on your side."


Roy Saunderson said...

Those are incredible pictures of you jumping off the cliff edge. I am not even sure I would have been standing on the edge let alone jumping. You are a very brave boy!

Miss C said...

Wow, what a thrill that must have been! When I was younger and reckless I went bridge jumping into water. What is with "Nationwide is on your side"?

Balancing & Blogging

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