Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Spirituality and Religion - more random and jumbled thoughts

The older I get the less judgmental I am, the more open to others I become, and the word "tolerance" takes on a whole new meaning. It bothers me that, in this world, tolerance is an achievement and something we teach and seek for. To me, tolerance, is a pitiful excuse. Acceptance, understanding, empathy, and love would be much better traits to build, reinforce and achieve. I believe in God. And I have felt His love. I have felt His love for me, and I believe that I have felt His love for others as well. Sharing that love, whether or not its Source is known, is monumental for me in my beliefs.

I have read books by authors that resonate with me deeply and spiritually. Eckhart Tolle and Max Lucado are two that have, through their words and insights, brought me closer to God and helped me to feel that love. But right now, I do not believe in a God that only provides a path for some of his children. I believe there are many ways to feel God's love, many ways to worship, love and demonstrate devotion. I believe there are many ways back to God, if you will. And because I am the sort of person who does things all the way, or not at all (100% or nothing), I am having a very hard time accepting a religion that defines itself as the only, one true way and demands its followers to undeniably believe in that one, and only way.

I have found so much peace in my current spiritual journey. And it encompasses so much more than I would ever know how to put into words on the internet. I appreciate all the love and concern that so many of you feel, but I don't feel like I need to be added to your prayers and best wishes. I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time. I have peace, light, and the spirituality I need and desire.

My biggest concern, and purpose for bringing this up, is to find a way and a spiritual path for my family that will combine my beliefs with my husband's and a way to teach our children not only what we both believe, but allow them the openness to question and discover for themselves.

I have recently listened to an interesting podcast series: "Raising Children in a Non-Traditional LDS Home" and was inspired by some of the ideas, and extremely put off by others. I am looking for a way, either religious or spiritual, to bring our family together on this journey. Well wishes and advice in that endeavor would be greatly appreciated. And I am happy to have any of you, my dear friends, call or email so we can share ideas and inspiration. Thanks to those who have already done so.


Jenny said...

I have been following your thoughts and just can't stop pondering about what you have shared the past few days. Thinking about my own spirituality the past two days has helped me articulate in my mind what I believe so strongly, so I thank you for the opportunity since your thoughts are the ones that sparked mine. I find peace in the fact that Jesus Christ is the very foundation of my beliefs. He is the one who taught that there is only one true way back to His Father and God wants every single one of His children there with Him. But He also respects our agency and we need to respect the consequences that inevitably come with that agency. I also find peace knowing that my religion urges and pleads for each one of its members to ask for themselves and find answers of their own free will through study and prayer. I know that there is so much more behind the words you have written, just wanted to share a few thoughts I had that were sparked by your comments. I love you and so respect the spiritual journey you are sharing with us.

Ally said...

I say "ROCK ON SISTA!". You are my hero and example. I struggle with how to tell my own family where I stand and you have given me strength and courage to do it. You know where Thayne and I stand and if you ever wanna talk or bounce ideas off each other please call me! We are in a much better place than we were several months ago (when I talked to you last).

Arseneault Family said...

All the best in your journey my dear friend. We are always here for you. Send me your phone number and I would be happy to call and chat! We all have our own journies to embrace and share. I'd love the opportunity to share mine!
You will be SO blessed as you continue to look up and seek God and will find answers to all your questions. I strongly believe that you have the tools to do that.

You are an amazing person and Mom!!

Love you and message me your number! (email or facebook!)

Amy said...

Hi Friend! I hope I didn't offend you in my last comment. I am glad you are happy and that you are finding peace.

I think that me and some of the others wrote that we were praying for you because you didn't sound happy and you sounded like you were searching for peace.
You sounded lost and that you had a hard time feeling God's love. But this post really clarifies what you are feeling and I redact any statement that made it seem other wise.

I am so glad to know that you are having a worthwhile journey to find out who you are and what you truly believe and that you do feel God's love. I am happy to know that you feel happy. Believe me I am sorry to make you upset. I have nothing but the utmost respect and love for you and trust your journey is fruitful.

Also, I thought this was really interesting, Jesus did teach that the way to Heaven was through him, (Straight is the path and narrow is the way) but I learned this the other day: "After suffering for their (those people who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ) sins, they will be allowed, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to inherit the lowest degree of glory, which is the telestial kingdom.
Joseph Smith says that the glory of the Telestial kingdom is so great that is surpasses all understanding.
I though that was beautiful passage, because it shows you how much Heavenly Father does love his children. Even those who reject any form of organized religion even believing in God and Christ at all are still granted an afterlife that is so beautiful to live in that it surpasses our ability to imagine.

God does provide a path for ALL his children. Much like a professor who provides a syllabus for his class that outlines what will be studied and what is due when in order to pass the class. It is up to each student to decide how closely they will adhere to the syllabus. And I think that it isn't so much a religion that defines itself as the one and only true way, but Christ himself. Agency allows us to choose our own path and that is a gift.
I know I went on my own spiritual journey, but that actually happened before I met you. One can't grow up in California without seeking out questions of truth and fairness and tolerance and acceptance. Anyway, I think it is wonderful that you offered to share your journey. You obviously hit a note with several people.

You are a wonderful woman and mother and I am absolutely sure that your children will continue to grow up knowing they are loved and cared for and they will feel secure in seeking out their own answers and that is a wonderful accomplishment.

Terri-Ann said...

I think too many times we feel pressured to have a testimony in the whole 100%. And I don't think that's necessarily true. There are aspects I'm not sure about. There are some things about other churches I really, really like. What this has become for me right now is a reinvention of the way I worship. I surround myself with whatever makes me want to worship God. I learned to pray like I never have from my Baptist friends, in a small prayer circle in which everyone prays out loud as they feel inspired. I take my kids to the Vacation Bible School at another local church because they put on such a good program. And you know what - I really wish we had contemporary songs on Sundays rather than organ hymns, because I just feel the spirit more strongly through these other kinds of songs.

While investigating all sorts of churches with my non-member husband, I learned a lot about the different beliefs out there. And what I came to realize is that while I don't know about all the LDS tenets yet, there were enough there that I felt were right, that were missing from mainstream Christian churches. So I still attend there on Sundays. But you know what? This life is not about church. It's about your personal relationship with God. No church can substitute for that. It's only meant to help you attain a deeper relationship.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...