Sunday, November 06, 2011

Spirituality and Religion

It's Sunday.

My family is at church.

I'm at home, filling myself spiritually in ways that work for me, and preparing for the week ahead. A week of purposeful parenting above all else, and a desire to feel God's love in my life, and in our home.

I haven't broached the subject of my spiritual journey on this blog, because I truly believe that spirituality is a very personal subject for many. And yet, I love to hear others' stories of how they find peace, happiness, and unity in their family's search for spirituality, whether combined or separated from religion.

Right now, for me personally, my lifelong religion does not bring me the peace and spirituality I desire. Changing my expectations, changing my outlook and beliefs has led me to numerous thoughts and options for myself and my family. And so far, I am still looking, wondering, praying and pondering.

How do you find peace within either spirituality or religion?


Kendra said...

You don't know how badly I want to walk out in the back field and have a little chat with you about this. You pretty closely described how I felt for the first year after our move.... I think that was the hardest time spiritually for me ever. I find the most peace not at church, but at home with my family.... I can't say everything I want to.... may your search for more spirituality be fruitful and fulfill your needs. My prayers are with you.

Amy said...

My sweet girl. What a struggle to live in two diferent worlds. It must be difficult for you and your family be divided in this arena at present. I can tell you for sure that after wrestling with four kids during sacrament meeting "peace" is the last word I would use to describe the experience. Except for today. Kai took the baby out and my other three were actually quiet and I actually got to listen. It was the first time in a long time that I felt my spirit and soul be nourished in a long time. I can't tell you how every speaker seemed to stoke the fire of my testimony. I also didn't realize how spiritually hungry I had been until today.

We all have a journey. It is certain that everyone must find their own way. I have suffered through a great many afflictions starting from a very young age. I have gone through things that I hope others don't have to endure and through it all I have always felt peace and I think it is because I know that Heavenly Father does love me and that no matter what bad things may happen he is always in my corner and I can give my heart ache to him (which seems like that can't really happen, but for me it has)

There are times when life gets hectic and crazy and confusing and we may not feel God's love for some rason or other but that doesn't mean for one second he has stopped loving us or being aware of us and I think that is one thing that gets me through. Just as you would never stop loving or being aware of your own children.

Faith is hope, not a perfect knowledge. I think I find my peace from faith.

i know that wether or not you feel God's love in your life at this moment, He is loving you. He is loving you hard. And what is more, He knows that you will figure it all out. He has faith in you. You didn't mention what you were looking for or what was missing- the thing that needs to fall in place in order to find your inner peace. Peace is not something we find with out work. No one can give it to us. It comes from service and honesty and doing your best to live well.

I found this:
How is it that we have not discovered the secret of peace when we have been looking for it all through the ages? I’ll tell you. We are looking for someone to create it for us—to bring it to us. Edna St. Vincent Millay said: “There is no peace on earth today, save the peace in the heart at home with God. … No man can be at peace with his neighbor who is not at peace with himself. …” (“Conversations at Midnight,” Collected Poems, Harper & Row, Copyright 1937 and 1964.)
Have you experienced that peace within you because you helped your neighbor rake his lawn or mow his lawn? Have you felt that peace within because you helped your neighbor pick his fruit or harvest his crops? Have you witnessed that peace within because you shoveled the snow off your neighbor’s walks? Have you felt that peace which came because you helped someone solve a problem and get a new lease on life? Have you “cheered up the sad, and made someone feel glad”?

A key to peace, then, is service. Christ said: “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matt. 23:11.)
Elder Eldred G. Smith

I love you so much and I too hope that your search for more spirituality be fruitful and fulfill your needs.

Another good story about peace can be found here:

No peace will be lasting unless it is built upon the solid foundation of eternal principles such as love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. Those who love their neighbors can bring peace and happiness to many. Love can build bridges to understanding and tear down walls of suspicion and hate. Christlike love can bring peace into any neighborhood. With that kind of love each of us can help resolve petty differences, be they in the home or community.

Now I bet you are sorry you posed that qestion to blogland:)

Jodie said...

I had been thinking a lot about this last night, wondering if there was even anything I could say or offer, but nothing was coming. Everyone has their own journeys and this seems to be yours. Then, this morning, a new blog I follow posted something that touched on this very thing.
I really hope you find what you're seeking!

Dana and ohana said...

there have been those times in my life when my spirituality and my religion have almost nothing to do with each other. Within the last few years I really looked within and found a strength and renewed sense of peace within myself which has helped fuel my love for the gospel. Whatever you are struggling with just remember that your journey has a purpose and it will make you who you are meant to be.

Net said...

Helaman 5:12 Jesus Christ is our Savoir and Redeemer. He knows and loves each of us. We must trust in him. This scripture has brought me so much comfort over the years. I just need to believe in Him and trust in Him. He is my foundation.
I also find peace as I am helping and serving others. The scriptures tell us that if we lose ourselves, we will find ourselves. This has been very true for me. If I focus on me, I become selfish. When I can help and lift another, I find that I am closer to my Savior.
You are in our prayers.

Lori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori said...

I hope you don't mind but I deleted my comment. From reading your new post, I realize that I misinterpreted what is was you were saying and think I came across as more judmental when I was trying to be helpful. (was thinking you were feeling down...)
I really like what Jenny said. If you believe the heavens to be open and that people can receive answers from God, then that sounds like a perfect way to figure it all out.
You're an awesome girl - and quite brave to share this story.

Terri-Ann said...

I often feel the struggle you do, too. Right now I attend an LDS church on Sundays, but I also attend a weekly bible study at our local Baptist church. I get all sorts of comments about going there, but it works for me. At church on Sundays, I do so much music playing and I have three young kids so I never really get anything spiritual out of Sundays. And I really, really need that. I know so many people say "just do it on your own, at home" but I'm not strong enough for that. I need people to talk with about spirituality. The bible study uses the same bible the LDS faith uses (although everyone brings different versions! I actually really like the NIV). I find many people devoted to one religion find it difficult to see the truth that can be found in so many places. I read many Christian non-LDS authors, and love to listen to our local Christian radio (that does not play any LDS artists). I believe whole-heartedly in your statement that there are good things in all these different Christian religions.

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