Friday, November 04, 2011

odds & ends

Miss J keeps bringing home all sorts of writing on her hands to tell little funny kid stories. After demonstrating her latest, she asked me, "Mom, when you were a little kid, did you used to put markers all over your hands too?"

I replied that I don't think I did. (My mother may correct me!)

And she nodded, prepared for my answer and replied, "I guess that's because markers weren't around when you were a little girl."

I was flabbergasted... how old does she think I am?! She covered up pretty well by saying that she really thought markers were a new invention. Still...

Little J is still extremely sick. He is on a strong antibiotic to try to shrink an abscess on his tonsil... but we may be looking at a little surgery. Time will tell. For now he looks half dead, and sleeps and watches movies a lot and rings a bell whenever he needs me (since he can hardly walk). He's been sick since last Friday. It's been a long week. However, I wanted to share my favourite picture he drew of a jack-o-lantern. It makes me smile so much, I am sending it to Oma in a package, but had to scan it in first, so that I can keep a copy!

Have a happy weekend!

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