Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last but not least

Three is my favourite age, if you don't know. It really is. I often tell mothers with screaming tantrum-throwing two year olds, how I love my babies until they're one and then I can't stand them again until they're three. Seriously. You could send them to the moon for those couple of years and then bring them back to me talking, potty trained, and rational (or at least more rational than 1-2). Three speaks to me: it's a time of discovery, growth, absolute hilariousness, and a great age to be my buddy. I've had three, three year old buddies so far, and now I have my fourth and final. But my gosh, this three year old is going to do me in. I don't know if it's because I'm old and tired now, but he just has so much energy, is so darn stubborn and strong-willed and just talks constantly all day long... to me. I find myself needing to be reminded that this is my favourite age. And really it still is, it just seems to be in a stronger dose this time.
I do love him, and I do love this age! How can you not?!
His most frequent line lately, "I don't tink so" (think)
He says it so slowly, as if he's really considering what has been said or asked, but then, after weighing all the options has decided on the negative. Really cute. Also sometimes annoying :)

Wish me luck with this adorable three year old!


Camie said...

He is TRULY adorable. What an angelic face!! Good luck--three is great!

Jodie said...

Goll, that kid is SO CUTE. And I really didn't like 3. Ugh. :)

Balancing & Blogging

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