Thursday, September 02, 2010

First Day of School

Life has been busy.

We went up north to visit family - including my baby brother who had just gotten off his mission for our church. The kids had fun with cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. It was also fun to stay with my Uncle Max and family. Everyone should be so lucky as to have an Uncle Max.

We got home in time to do laundry before we had more family fun. Mr. Man's Mom and sister came for a visit, followed by his step-dad, and then the day after they left we had a final weekend of fun with his Dad and step-mom.

They left on the first day of school. Which was monumental in so many ways. Here we are:

The Toddler didn't start preschool the same day, so he's not pictured here... but basically we are a school-going family now. (And I imagine I won't be blogging as much anymore.)

This picture (and post) is mainly to satiate my mother's hunger for this photo.


Anne Marie said...

Best wishes to all of you! So proud of you.

Arseneault Family said...

how ABSOLUTELY adorable!! ;)

MOM said...

Thank you for this post and photo! Tradition!! From far away, how could I know that the first day of school had happened without a photo! :)

Balancing & Blogging

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