Wednesday, October 07, 2009


When I was around three or four, I was sitting in the front row of primary at church when a mother I didn't recognized walked in, sat a little girl my age beside me, told me her name and told me we were going to be friends. Determined to please, it was inevitable that I would do as she say, and become friends with this pig-tailed little girl (I had a bowl cut at the time, so I particularly remember the long swaying pig-tails). My only problem was that I could not remember the little girl's name. I leaned over and asked her numerous times to repeat it. It was long, tricky, and impossible for me. In the bathroom, I asked her again, and this time she game me a shortened version of her name. It stuck. And she became my best friend. Seriously. From that time until we were 18, we were pretty much inseparable. I have very few childhood and teenage memories that don't include this fabulous friend. We knew each other as few ever do, in fact, I'm almost positive she could figure out my pin number even now after years of separation.

Almost ten years ago we parted ways. There was nothing malicious, no falling out, no great story to post about how it happened, I simply got married and left the country... and time passed. We've stayed in touch periodically, but all in all, in getting married I had found my new best friend. A year ago my old best friend sent me a save-the-date magnet, and in a few short weeks she too will be marrying her new best friend. I'm so happy for her. I can't wait to meet him and to see her once again. I wonder what he is like. We used to joke around about how it would be perfect if one of us were a guy because we would obviously love to be together and marry each other. I admit there are often little things about Mr. Man that remind me of my old best friend, small quirks, or comments. And so I wonder if her Mr. Man is anything like me. Mostly though, I am glad that she has finally found HIM. Because while I can't imagine my childhood without my old best friend, there is no best friend like the present. My best friend forever is the love of my life; how lucky am I?


Jennifer said...

I wish I would have stayed put growing up so I could have had a BFF that could guess my PIN :)it sounds so fun :)

Laura said...

You are a VERY LUCKY woman.

Laura said...

That post made me smile because I remember thinking the same thing about my soul-mate best friend in junior high. Our conversations were like:
"You know that one..."
"Yeah! I love..."
"Me too!"
No one else had any idea what we were talking about, but it made perfect sense to us! We still keep in touch on FB. And Warren is absolutely NOTHING like her. LOL!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...