Monday, May 11, 2009


I stole this from an email my husband wrote, and since it was mostly HIS moment, I wanted to share HIS words:

"It was a little surreal at first, but when I walked across the stage I felt so much happiness and had the biggest grin. This has been so long in the making. I remember so clearly looking at schools in undergraduate in 2001 with the goal of completing my doctorate. I knew that it would be such a long journey. These last few years I have been wound so tight worrying and striving to meet every requirement to complete my degree. With each passing milestone, I have discredited them and tempered celebrating knowing that there were so many still to come. Walking across that stage lifted such a burden knowing that I had accomplished what I had set out to do and that I just didn't get a job, but completed something enormous that I had undertaken. It was even more enjoyable having all of my family in attendance."

Surprisingly, I am still mostly speechless about the whole ordeal. It was so special and I couldn't be prouder. Hopefully I will find my words and be able to express them legibly before the emotions dissipate. I feel so lucky to be married to such a smart, devoted man - and bonus, he's also gorgeous!


Debbi said...

awww. You're a trooper-- hubbys in school is tough! Congrats to you TOO!

MOM said...

Wow, I was overcome with emotion just reading this!
I'm so proud of Mr Man for working so hard to achieve such a worthwhile goal. He could not have done it without your love and support. You both must share in this special moment!

Unknown said...

You guys are so inspirational. Look at what you've accomplished together. What a triumph!

Shauna said...

awwwww. . . awesome. . . .Way to go!

thack said...

You did it!!! All of you! It really is a family accomplishment. I'm excited for you as you head off on your next adventure together. Congratulations!

Laura said...


Boyz Zone said...

We are so Happy for you guys! Congrats Mr. Man!

Net said...

Congrats Mr. Man. It really is quite an accomplishment. Way to go all of you because we know it is a family achievement, right.

The Wilsons said...


Donna's Next Chapter Art said...

Hats off to all of you in your family accomplishment! Congratulations, Dr. Man!

singin'mama said...

Congratulations! You should be proud! Isn't it awesome how expensive those robes are? I think that wives should get a degree for surviving as well! Yeah!

Lily said...

CONGRATULATIONS! It really is a shared accomplishment as it is something you guys did together. Marriage and 4 children plus managing to get a PHD at the same time- he is without a doubt a phenomenal man but it sure helps that he has a phenemonal wife as the backbone to the family. Cheers to you and your family- may the hard work you have all shown provide you all with rewards throughtout life.

Mamabug said...

Congratulations to the whole family. How exciting to start a new chapter of life. I wonder how it will read?

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...