Friday, January 09, 2009

It's Official

We’re moving. No, we have no clue where or when. But I can feel it so very deeply, and interestingly enough I am in mourning, per say. Oh I’m thrilled to pieces, absolutely excited about what the future may hold for our little family. We speak constantly of this adventure we are on… not so much a “choose your own adventure”… more a “they choose us” adventure, but still, an adventure nonetheless. I can just picture the home we will make our own, the stages and ages that all will be as we make this change; the sense of stability and of knowing will be wonderful. I can’t wait. And yet, this has become home for so much longer than any other home in our married life, and so I don’t doubt I will be homesick. The walls and railing here are badly in need of paint. I wait until we are moving, but I will also be painting over years of childhood fingerprints – three separate three year olds have hung and swung on those railings (breaking one off at least twice). The growth chart we have penciled in on the wall will be gone. There will once again be grass in the great mud pit we call our backyard, but it won’t be any fun once we’re gone. Our little home is the largest house we’ve had, and it holds a large portion of my family and child-rearing memories and moments. Somewhere in our passing through to spend a few years going to school, we settled in. My heart is heavy when I think of the friends we will leave behind, even ones who are leaving or have already left will still stay with this moment in time. And it’s hard. As I begin the reaching out to moms in other towns, braving the initial email begging for the inside scoop on their niche in the world, I realize what I am leaving. In fact, I’m making Mr. Man apply for a “back-up” position right here in town, and while it would be career defacing for him, we would all be pretty happy. Regardless, our adventure is happening right before our eyes and may take us anywhere. And as long as we are together and have more memories to make, we should live happily ever after; I hear fingerprints follow you wherever you go.


Amy said...

What kind of a job is Mr. Man looking for?
Good luck on your next adventure!

I hope you can soon find a place of permanence to hang your heart!

Brooke said...
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Brooke said...

I know how you feel! You put it so completely sentimentaly. Thoroughly thought out! Where ever you go, whatever you do, you are such a wonderful soul(everything about you) that you will continue, as always, to be a wonderful beacon and strength to those around you! Good luck in making it through the transition!! I know how hard it can be to re-settle! Blah!

My Many Coloured Days said...

He's finishing up his dissertation and PhD... so mostly applyting to universities to be a econ professor... but there are a few government positions as well.

Shawny said...

Isn't it an exciting time! I echo your thoughts.

Mamabug said...

Last year I thought for sure we would be moving back to the US. I even started to giving away "stuff" that would difficult to take back. Then it happened ... we moved but not to the US. I hold this same hope again this year ...that we will settle in somewhere (hopefully the US) for at least 5 years. It sounds like a great idea to me. E. has an interview this week and 3 other places he will be applying to. It will be interesting to see how it all goes.
I will be happy to hear where your next adventure will lead you. If you have any great "break-in" ideas - pass them along please!

Carla McDaniel said...

i am so not a blog stocker...came across your blog off of daisyhalos.(she's a good friend of mine)
I just wanted to say, we've moved around quite a bit with my husband's job, and each move has been an adventure. each move has taught us something new about ourselves and our little family. i totally echo your thoughts and wish you all the best in your next 'adventure'.

BTW - I love your blog.

Anne Marie said...

You are a beautiful writer. You have such a gift for putting your feelings into words. Good luck with the job search.

lani said...

I'm excited to hear about where you go. Moving brings with it such mixed emotions--sadness to leave behind all of the wonderful friends and memories and excitement at what the future will bring. Good luck with everything!

Laura said...

I'm right there with you, sister....

Lily said...

What a great step to be taking. Stability will be wonderful and you have been an inspiration to everyone whose family is constantly being transferred and unsure what or where tommorow brings. Any place in particular you are wishing to move to?

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