Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hear Me ROAR!

I’m starting to think that bears, and other hibernating animals, have the right idea. Lately I’ve been feeling a lot like hibernating myself. What is it about winter that makes me so much more sleepy than any other time? I can’t get enough sleep at night, and my body is begging for a rest either early afternoon or right after dinner. I have zero enthusiasm for food and meals, and yet that doesn’t stop my body from begging for delicious desserts and delicacies and putting on that extra winter weight. Going outside is miserable to me. We finally have our first “acceptable” amount of snow, but pretty much it’s been cold and boring outside. My half hour walk a day just isn’t giving me the right dosage of vitamin D or happiness that supposedly sun and fresh air bring. I’m grumpy. Yes the January blues are typical and expected, but the fact that it’s hitting so late in the month makes me feel like it will last an eternity. I really do feel like a grumpy old bear, and I think I may prefer not to be bothered until sometime early spring. Anyone want to join me in my lair?


Shawny said...

I wish I could hibernate! I'd join you in a heartbeat if I could--not that you really can either. ;)

Camie said...

Too bad you aren't pregnant--if you were, you could have a really good excuse for the normal January blues! Believe me, I've been milking it to the fullest!!

Anne Marie said...

I really think January is the "armpit of the year", as I have told other friends. Decreased daylight, lots of sicknesses going around, "Christmas is over" blues, cold outside. Yuck, yuck! Plus, you've had your husband away for much of this month. I can't imagine you being a very grumpy bear anyway. By the way, I highly recommend considering a light therapy device, if it seems like the winter is really dragging. It can really work wonders. I know amazon.com has tons of reviews on different ones, if you ever want to consider it.

Amy said...

I would love to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep!

Lori said...

You're not alone. I've got 'em too. My kids and I have been watching waaaay too much tv lately. Oh well. It's all about survival some days.

Laura said...

It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't constantly SICK! I'm with you. Except I don't want to hibernate--I want to fly to Tahiti! LOL

Hoosier Mama said...

I've got a bad case of the grumpies as well. I am sorry that I didn't offer to have your kids over while your husband was OOT. I came down with the stomach flu that has been going around. I am glad to see that you survived though. Hopefully we'll get both of you over for a game night in the future!

Scott and Tisha said...

I want to sllep with out cubs invading my hibernation and I'm deffenatly a grumpy bear and I'm just glad that you have enlightened me to blaming the month of Jan./ her in AB -40c and psyco(spelling?) winds.

Mamabug said...

I hope within the next few weeks you will get some good news on a job to warm your spirit.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...