Wednesday, November 19, 2008

These are a Few of My Favourite Things

There are a multitude of blogs and websites dedicated to this, along with certain TV personalities. But I did want to share a few of my random favourite things in the hopes that I may pass on a bit of my “old Mom” wisdom, suggest a few last-minute (yes, it’s already considered last-minute) Christmas shopping ideas, or at the very least give you more pictures and less writing to look at on my blog.

For my LDS friends:

Love these books for ALL my kids – the pictures are fun, the stories are real and there are even Family Home Evening Lessons ready-made at the end of each “chapter”.

We have volumes 1-4 and recently acquired this one (Thanks Grandma)!These are our “Sunday” toys, but are usually out all week long. Hours of fun to be had.
Great stocking stuffers. They're on sale at Desert Book now, but are usually cheaper at Seagull Books. We also love these:
We have a girl set and a boy set who are lovingly named Elder E, Elder T, Sister J and Sister E (after Miss J's best friend).

I’m often asked where I bought my little red stroller. I didn’t. I traded it from my mother-in-law because I loved it so much. It was bought at Zellers in Canada, but I have recently found that sells it, a bit upgraded (this one appears to have a larger underneath basket and also reclines to a better sleeping position than mine). I love this stroller because it is sleek, lightweight and easy to zip up and down, has a five point harness, seems to be comfortable for babe, and has super tall and comfortable handles – a necessity in our family. My only qualm with it is that the shade/visor doesn’t come down far enough to do much shading for smaller infants. It's also extremely affordable when comparison shopping. Love this for displaying my kids’ artwork. I’ve had lots of little kids’ kitchens – all from yard sales or second hand stores. But this is here to stay. (I can't find it at, but we bought it at a Target store.) We love this little kitchen and it is well used by all. We also have the tool bench (which is also really cute, but I can't find anywhere online), though I admit our tools are still used on my own kitchen table more than on the tool bench.
I’ve posted this before, but we use this several times every day. I admit, I too have used this ridiculous contraption. Saves on dishes, eases thirst. And it's only $2.99.

That's it for now. Enjoy.


Hope said...

I have always admired your artwork rod, I finally discover what it is..(I've been meaning to ask for so long now) and they don't sell it online. I guess I'm going to have to use it as an excuse to go on a day trip. I love Ikea!

Jennifer said...

Target does have the best little kitchens and accessories :) We have an older version of that kitchen from there

Amy said...

Good post. about your previous post- did the softening foot cream make your face super soft:)?

Stephanie said...

Fun stuff and I really like the whale faucet thing. I think I'll have to get us one of those! Thanks for the fun recommendations...saves me the time of reading about what others think about products when I shop online! ;0

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