Monday, November 03, 2008

And a Jar Full of Spiders

We have a plethora of costumes at our house. So many so, that it takes a lot of begging for me to actually buy anything new (or used) for Halloween. However, the begging ensued, Mr. Man budged and I gave in. When Halloween actually came and two of the “new to us” costumes weren’t being worn, Little E comforted me by insisting, “Don’t worry Mommy, I’m going to wear that one for Easter.” Well at least my Easter shopping is done now. Hopefully nobody at church minds too much when he’s dressed as a power ranger.

My sleepy lion
Peter Pan... by the way, the dagger is missing, if anyone's seen it!
Annakin Skywalker - from episode something or other
A Vampire Princess or "just a princess" once the teeth go missing

It’s been a busy fall at our house, and our pumpkin didn’t actually get carved until the day before Halloween. Miss J had a half day at school and so the boys planned a little party for when she returned. We had fun, and even Baby J enjoyed coloring some decorations.
We made “trick or treat” sushi for a dinner party we attended – thanks Stephanie for the great idea. The boys did it all and were thrilled to trick everyone:

Our family was split for Halloween since Miss J was invited to a birthday party. Mr. Man went trick or treating with her and I took the boys on a much shorter route! We all had fun, but missed being together. Here's some of our group we were with:

I found this idea on somebody else’s blog (sorry, I can’t remember whose)Mr. T enjoyed painting it with his feet and fists, and it hung on our door fading from the hot sun… it has been crazy weather here again:
Probably the most lasting impression of this Halloween season has been the jar full of spiders that have haunted me day and night. We made applesauce last month and gave a few jars to friends. One friend, who shall remain nameless, thought it would be fun to return the jar full of spiders. And really it was a cute idea. And no, they weren’t real… but still. One in particular is quite large and disgusting looking and is hiding somewhere in my house right now or else I would take a picture of it for you. Anyways, I have great fear and trepidation of spiders, and I’m pretty sure every person in my town knows this for my screams. The boys (and Mr. Man) have hidden this huge spider in random places ever since it made its way into our home. I have woken up with it on my face, gone to bed to find it between my sheets, seen it in the dishwasher, on the sink, on my seat in the van… you name it. Not knowing where it is, is the worst possible feeling. It’s only slightly better than when my boys owned a rubber snake. Ugh.

I'm glad Halloween is now a whole year away. I'm ready for Christmas music.


Lori said...

Sounds like you had a fun Halloween. That jar of spiders would freak me out too. We only got a couple of spiders this year but every time I see one on the carpet I do a double-take.

Anne Marie said...

Your kids look great. Love all their costumes. Hilarious how one of your kids said he could wear his costume for Easter!

Mamabug said...

I like the hand and foot wreath - very cute.

Donna's Next Chapter Art said...

Where did you get the idea for Trick or Treat sushi? How clever!

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