Monday, November 17, 2008

Give Thanks

Today I am thankful for...
-many wonderful friends, without whom we couldn't have gotten through last week
-my parents who came and shared good times and bad
-a roof over my head, a floor beneath my feet and a home to call my own
-medicine and sleep which are slowly healing all the ailments in our home
-soup and smoothies
-Mr. Man's first upcoming job interview (will him to be better in time)
-having all of my homeschooling books and supplies again
-my telephone and internet
-my own bed... which I shall fall into shortly
- each of my beautiful children (who are thankfully almost all asleep!)
- my poor sick husband... truly I am even more grateful now for what he does when he is well
-my scriptures: even just sitting for 20 minutes to read (my goal this week) brings such peace, comfort and reprieve


Kendra said...

yay for first interviews! (andy has his first this week) we'll wish each other luck on this crazy interview journey!

Laura said...

Thank goodness you're home! I'll be praying for you all. And, yes--Anneka has strep, too. Thankfully, I only have two bottles of the meds in my fridge--for now...

Scott and Tisha said...

I'm thankful for a sister who I can and frequently do turn to for parenting advice and who without, my blog would consist of one entry. Love ya!

Mamabug said...

I was glad to here that everyone is on the mend and I hope that he is better for the interview. Just think rest for the moment. There are blessings all over the place just waiting to be acknowledged! I know I feel better when I acknowledge them too.

Anonymous said...

I really admire your attitude of gratitude in the midst of many challenges. Know that we're praying for ya.

The Wilsons said...

Oh, I hope everyone is better soon! What a CRAZY time for all of you. Wishing you the best (and praying, too!)...

Anne Marie said...

Love your list of blessings. You are an amazing mama.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...