I will never forget the first time I was confronted with this shocking truth. I was an English major doing my undergrad at BYU-Hawaii. A friend, who was in most of my classes, brought me an article stating the fact that pregnant women lose brain cells. I forget the exact percentage of loss that the article boasted of proving, but I remember my response. First of all, how dare this male confront me with such a misogynistic and radical suggestion, secondly I refused to believe such a bluff, and finally I became completely dedicated to keeping all of my brain cells in tact and getting a 4.0 that “pregnant” semester just to show up my counterpart who insisted I would no longer be capable of such brain power (or so I suspected).
I don’t quite recall when my view changed (part of the shrinking or disappearing brain cells I am sure), but it has. I am in complete accord with any scientist who suggests the disgraceful absent-mindedness and pregnancy link. Mostly because I have no other explanation for myself. I had the wonderful opportunity to know a most outstanding woman when we were doing our masters, she was the mother of twelve and truly an inspiration to me. I remember her saying one time that it was true about the brain cells, and that she used to be a genius!
I have also read articles that retort that the six month period after pregnancy (or birth) studies have shown that a healthy woman’s brain grows larger and returns to a normal non-pregnant size. This I disagree with. Surely the lack of sleep that seems to last years, not just months after birth, affects my brain’s growth and development. Putting together 24 piece puzzles can do nothing for my cells’ growth, nor can my diet of go-gurts and raisins. I am certain my brain stands no chance of ever being what it used to be, and while I have moments of forgetfulness, and at times mourning for the deep thought that somehow escaped whilst changing a diaper, I am okay with losing my marbles. For you see, while my brain has shrunk, my heart has definitely grown… somehow even with the lack of sleep.
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After my last baby was born, I seriously had no brain. I didn't dare take my kids anywhere because I didn't remember I had them or how many I had or where I was even going most of the time. Home wasn't better, just not as public. I tried to laugh it off as lack of sleep or something silly. When I asked my OB doc about it, I figured he'd laugh at me. Instead, in all seriousness, he told me to start doing brain puzzles, like sudoko, and memorizing long things every day like poetry or the scriptures. He told me that if I didn't, I would end up with old lady's brain and I wouldn't remember anything. I asked him what was going on. He said a combination of things, pregnancy, traumatic birth, many children, husband stressful job, many resposibilities, lack of sleep, nutrition, and proper exercise. I haven't started the puzzles or the memorizing because I haven't decided that I have time yet (HA!HA!). Maybe I should. Right now I'm really happy with a big heart though.
I thought I was being told I was massaginistic. This really changes things.
Mr. Man
Laughing about that one! You clearly have many marbles still intact. It is so true that I have lost more than a few I.Q. points in the past many years. The repetitive nature of so many of our tasks doesn't help, nor the stress and emotional drain of caring for young kiddos.
Hey, and blogging's got to give us a brain boost, right?
I can't believe I had never heard that before but it does explain several things ;)
I just had a chance to catch up with your blog--this entry was so insightful to me--so funny and TRUE! I just posted about losing my brain--I'm worried I might never find it again! But it's worth it, right?! :)
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