Monday, September 04, 2006

What Dreams May Come

I almost slept in this morning. Had I looked at my calendar it could have happened. Nope, when BigJ crawled into bed with us (us meaning Mr. Man, LittleE and myself) we could’ve all fallen into a family bed slumber, but instead I looked at the clock (8:02) and told her we had 2 minutes before beds had to be made, prayers said and breakfast inhaled. We rushed somewhat and I dragged Mr. Man out of bed to take care of yet another teething enhanced pull-up change. By 8:40 we were definitely ready for the day, all dressed (except Mom of course!), teeth brushed, hair combed... we even had time to finish up homework and have family devotional. We bid our farewells with yawns... for although we were on time and well ready we still had cravings for our fabulous beds... and somewhere in the distance we could hear them calling us. I was barely dressed when a knock on the door and BigJ yelling – “It’s labour day” snapped me into reality: WE COULD STILL BE SLEEPING! Mr. Man still has classes to teach and attend, so our reverie couldn’t have lasted all day, but the hopes and dreams of a lazy morning were slaughtered. I’m going to have to set an alarm for American Thanksgiving so that we are sure to ignore it and go back to bed.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

I love lazy weekend and holiday mornings. Sorry you missed out on enjoying the Labor Day sleeping in.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...