Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Know what I wanna be for Halloween?

It started months ago, days after last Halloween, but has grown incessant in the last few weeks. “Know what I wanna be for Halloween?” is flung out in the middle of stories, dinner and even prayer. The answers change constantly, or I suppose I should say that they’re at the point of fluctuation. Each child in my family now has 3-7 ideas of what they want to be. Little E’s costume is bought and ready and worn on a very frequent basis (by each child, I should add), and has been another trigger in the question phase of “Know what I wanna be for Halloween?”

Mr.T wants a sword. Halloween has seemed the perfect opportunity to acquire said weapon in a “need” basis. If you’re a knight, a prince, Robin Hood, or any number of brave masculine figures, you definitely need a sword for your costume. BigJ has followed suit and inquired weeks ago of the librarian if there were any female knights. Always the feminist, my daughter has now become obsessed with Joan of Arc and while her Halloween ideas are the broadest, she seems to always come back to Joan (who she insists is somehow connected with Noah and his “ark”).

Thankfully my children aren’t completely narcissistic; they do in fact ask others what they wanna be for Halloween. Including myself. I’ve resorted to brushing the question off with an “I don’t know” or “Halloween is mostly for children”. Instead of accepting my lame responses, my children have made it their duty to help Mommy figure out what to be. In my attempt to dissuade their increasing joy at the prospect of Mommy dressing up for Halloween, we’ve been going through my childhood albums looking for costumes I’ve already worn. Its funny how many times I was photographed dressing up – and not necessarily for Halloween. I thought I’d share a few of my costumes with you as we all look forward to that festive holiday! My children’s costumes will be photographed and shared closer to the date, as they are still to be finalized!

(My personal favourite is the ‘sailor’ – I actually LOVED that hat; and note the “Sound of Music” drapes in the background – LOVED those too! Also noteworthy is the clown costume that I think each of my siblings took a turn wearing!)

(I'm 3 here!)

The traditional "look at all my candy shot", and our yearly scarecrow!

PS - Can you tell we grew up in Canada? We were usually wearing our snow suits under our costumes - we all look a little roly poly!


My Many Coloured Days said...

Very nice SPAM!!! Sorry for the comment above, I now require the crazy word verification!

Camie said...

Lydia constantly talks about what she wants to be too. I'll tell her to ask your kids! Cute pictures from when you were little!!

Anne Marie said...

Cute pictures. I love Halloween. It is such a magical time for kids to dream up a new identity for themselves.

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