Monday, May 15, 2006

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Some of you may already know this, and for those of you who don’t, please don’t hate me or by any means think I am perfect. Mostly I had seriously pushy parents who formed this habit in me when I was too young to know any better, and then mostly I really NEED this habit... the point being, I have kept a journal since I was three.

Since yesterday was mother’s day and while always one of those reflective days (whether for better or for worse) my writer’s mind couldn’t think of anything either humorous enough or tear-inspiring enough to write. And so, I’ve compiled a list from my journals, of what I’ve always wanted to be when I grow up.

age 4 “a peacemaker
age 5 : nurse, dentist
age 6 : secretary, artist, swimming teacher, nurse, teacher, writer
age 7 ½ : “I’m learning not to cry. I want to learn Dutch. I like writing journals a lot.”
age 8 ½: artist, mom, nurse, wife, teacher, writer, policeman
age 9: a writer “I can’t wait t’ille I am old enought to go to the BYU university. Me & Janeth Townsende.”
age 10: “to do college work and work in a post office, maybe a library too if I have time”
age 10 ½ : secretary, Mom, nurse, wife, teacher, writer, swimming teacher
age 11: secretary, mother, wife, teacher, writer
age 11 ½ : “a detective like Nancy Drew”
age 12: farmer, author, singer, piano teacher, mother, wife. (had to note the period!)
“The last couple of days I have been thinking alot about how I want my life to be when I grow up. I thought I’d write it down so that when I am grown up I can compare my life to the one I write in here.” Followed by hour by hour schedules, “projects of the night” and budgets I created for grade seven, grade eight, high school and even university! (Note, I still have a chart with “projects of the night”)
age 13: hotel manager
age 14: lawyer
age 15: playwright, director “I keep having this feeling that I should move out somewhere by myself and start making movies or plays or something”.
age 17: English Major – High school teacher, high school counselor, lawyer
age 18: going to school for BA in English & BEd (to teach high school), also interested in law school and non-for-profit management

While I am completely underpaid, could definately use some vacation time and would at times love to change the location of my office... I have to admit that the benefits of my vocation are priceless. I love what I do!
Here’s a picture of me all grown-up!


Michelle said...

LOVED reading this...I'm curious about your "projects of the night" chart?!

My Many Coloured Days said...

I have a chart on my fridge that oulines my "days of the week" - for instance, breakfast, kids' theme, activity (like playgroup, errands, library...), cleaning, and "My Evenings". Mondays I scrapbook, Tuesdays I read... etc. Mostly I do Primary!

Kristy said...

What a fabulous and priceless list! I am going to force my kids to start journal writing at once. I also LOVE the picture of you with your kidlets.

LollyGirl said...

It's so great to feel connected to your family again. We've sure missed out on a lot in 4 years but it's fun to have this window into your life!! Thanks for all your blogging work. It seems like the prefect outlet for you since you enjoy writing so much and we all get to enjoy it. I myself have not joined the bloggesphere but I LOVE reading them--is that selfish? Hopefully not. I try to send out email updates somewhat regularly though.

I would love to hear about your reward charts. We have so much trouble keeping them up to date. Please share your method!! (especially since your kids seem to enjoy them and would even like more)

--Cheryl Nilsson

Jenny said...

I talked about your journaling tonight at a YW activity. We were making journal jars and I talked about what a priceless gift you could give yourself if you journaled often - just like my friend, Renee! You are inspiring young women you have never even met!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Ah gawsh! Now I'm going to have to write a blog about all my faults!

Anonymous said...

I love that if you look at your current vocation... you are doing nearly all those things you aspired to through the years... each day you are a mother, a wife, a secretary, a teacher, a nurse, a policeman, a singer, a detective (who spilled that juice all over my carpet?), a writer, a peacemaker... nearly all those desires are encapsulated in your life as an at-home Mom. Well, maybe not hotel-management...

Kelli France said...

Love that picture. I'll have to try that one when when I get more. I am trying to keep Journals for my kids too because they say the darndest things. I have kept a Journal since I was 8 and I love it but now I think I blog better than I journal.

Kelli France said...

Hey, Random Question. What does Greg do when you have "My Evenings"? Does he ever feel neglected?

My Many Coloured Days said...

Kelli - just found your post now - Greg studies and studies and studies. Whenever he has an open evening we'll do something. I'm not THAT attached to my evenings!

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